If Growth Was A Person..

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago

Natural occurrence to every living things on Earth is growth!

Show a picture of you some years back and now and outline the differences in looks


The difference is clear. No wonder how I was thought back then in school that growth is an irreversible increase in size.

The first picture of mine shows that I was slim in body size back then in 2020. My face looks very young and sweet. While the second picture shows that am increasing in body size, my face looks older than before but my height still remains the same. There's no too differences between them and I like the way it is. How I wish much difference will not occur at my 60s🙄.

My second picture also tells me that every living being cannot remain the same no matter what happens, there must be a change (growth) that will take place.

Do you think if growth was a person, I would be you? If yes or no, give reasons for your answer.

This question sounds funny. Well my answer is no. As a female gender, growth as a person cannot turn me to be a male. I will still be myself and you're till remain who you are. God in his Mercy made very individuals to be different from another. Looking at an identical twins. No matter how they look alike, there will be a little different between them.

In essence, growth doesn't have the ability to make you look like me. It only has the capability to add increase in you, such as the body, height, strength.

Highlight 5 crazy things you were doing some years back that you're no longer doing.

  • Using used tomatoe tin to cook food that I will never eat

  • Using mango leaf and broom stick to make aeroplane and then run with it.

  • Playing nouti game barefooted

  • Rubbing Cream on one spot

  • Climbing palm tree in search of ripe palm fruit.

How would you feel if you were still how you were 10 years from your age and what things do you do to appreciate growth?

Smiles.... no one wants to be the same. Thanks to change and growth who served us from dwaf linage, making us who we are today. Well, if am still like how I was 10year back, I wouldn't feel bad rather be happy because am still who I was then but the only difference now is the body size and facial changes which shows what growth can do.

What goes into the body matters a lot. Is not easy to grow without eating a balanced meal. A good and healthy food is number one thing I appreciate in growth. Growth takes what we eat every day, build up, nourish, then keep our health in a good state and make the body to grow and develop.

Good behavior/Smile: This two things is the natural medicine for growth. Some people may wonder what concern behavior/smile with growth but am participating in this contest to tell you that the above two things are very important in growth development. My people used to say Edu ata idem. Very well, living in peace with everyone around you, gives you a rapid growth.

You can't plant during summer season and expect it to germinate and start growing without watering it. Water is another thing I appreciate growth for.

Exercise also play a role in growth. The body needs to be maintain. The bones and muscles also needs to be strong, good shape, size, flexibility are achieve here in exercise. By growing, the body needs exercise to give a nice look.

Sleep is another vital thing to appreciate growth for. Having adequate sleep not only helping one physically and mentally but as a substitute vitamins for proper growth.

Thanks as I invite @prime33, @peacebala and @saintprisca.

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