**Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) WK14:#2: Thank you!**

in Steem Kids & Parents6 months ago

25% to @null for burnsteem

Greetings friends. I'm VERY much delighted to welcome us all back to the second week of this season. Last week's contest on neglect was interesting. Congratulations to all those that participated and won.

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On today's topic, "thank you". I'm going to share my own meaning and a story about how saying thank you got me more than I expected.

I invite @mesola @goodybest @ngoenyi


What is thank you and on what occasions can one say it (5 different occasions)


Thank you is a word used when expressing how grateful you're to someone for their extension of kindness and help towards you.
Thank you is a very short word, yet, very powerful.

When said or expressed sincerely, it can boost the confidence of the other, strengthens bond between people, stir them up to keep doing good and even more.

Occasions to say thank you are
•When you receive a gift. It is very polite and appreciative to thank the giver and the simplest way to do so is by verbally saying it.
•After being complimented. Yes, courtesy demands you say thank you after someone compliments an element on you or a virtue in you
•After rendering a professional help or service to someone. Examples are the bankers and customer care agent. They day thank you to their customer after every transaction.
•You say thank you when you receive any kind of help. It might be as little as getting directions from a stranger, to the bus driver etc
•After receiving an apology. A way to show you've received an apology is to say thank you.

How important is thank you and who should say it?

Ooh, so important. Being thankful is very important.

First, saying that you us is a way of showing how appreciative and grateful you are towards someone.
It can repair relationship and also strengthen the bond in relationships.
When people say thank you to each other, it makes them feel loved, special and valued. This can cause them to become best of friends with a deeper bond
Lastly, it is a trigger to do more. When you thank someone for what he has done, he will do more

Anyone and Everyone should say "thank you" irrespective of age, social class, financial status or level of help/service rendered


Tell a real life story where saying thank you has helped you or someone else in a positive way



This story is about how saying thank you got me a gift from my distant uncle.

My uncle lives in another country, he visits Nigeria once is a long time. When I started my Higher National Diploma, my mum causally told him that I have began schooling again and he was glad.

He messaged me on Facebook to congratulate me and was happy because I really didn't know he still remembers me. He sent me some money to get few of my textbooks for that semester

After the semester ended, I chatted him up to tell him we are done with this semester and thanked him again for the money he sent for my textbooks (although I have done that severally before then).

He was very happy I passed my exams and found him worthy/important to tell him about my successes in school. He also found it amazing that I still remembered the help he rendered months back.

He told me to write the list of the vital things I would be needing for the next semester including my school fees. He sent money for my school fees, my textbooks and my accomodation.

This is what saying "thank you" did for me.


Your advice on saying thank you



Just from my life story, you have seen how powerful saying thank you is. Being thank you ushers you into the realm of abundance. It also strengthens friendship and relationship between people.

Remember, if you thank them for yesterday, they'll do it again today

Thank you for visiting my blog


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Is really cool.. u still appreciated the effort your uncle showed you even after your exams. Not everyone will do that… I’m not an exception. I’ve learnt from this post..

Make I go my contact see, who I go fit tell thank you, wey go find me something this tinubu era..😊😊


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