Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: Impacts of Technology in kids lives by @ashkhan || #burnsteem25

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Hello Dear friends

I am glad to participate in week 2 of season 3. The theme is again very interesting on which we can share our views freely.


Write an overview of how technology has impacted the world as a whole.


Technology is the need of everyone in the recent era. Technology makes our life easy the past. The most important and great inventions of technology are mobile phones, tablets, laptops, cars, airplanes, and many more. Technology had changed our lifestyle completely and we rely on it that we can't survive without it for a minute.

The mobile phone is a great invention as we can call our loved one easily than past. In past, we use letters or people who took your message to other people and traveled for months or days. Then they again take your reply after a long time. But now we can do it in seconds and if we now our family needs us we can travel in a few hours or even minutes.


Share with us some of the positivity and negativity of technology in kids' lives.

Technology has made great inventions but as we know there are also positive and negative effects of everything in our life. Technology has made kids' life easy than before so, its positive effects.

But somehow they have negative effects that make kids' life difficult and they become depressed or angry. Due to consecutive use of technology especially mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and TV.

The most positive part of technology in kids' life is they can learn new things each day and broaden their knowledge. They can get useful information through different websites for their assignments or presentations.


Parents should check their kid's activities on the internet through browser history and keep aware of their activities either they learning through technological products or ruining their lives.

If they consecutively use mobile phones or other appliances they become addicted to them and didn't leave them for a minute. It's had a bad effect on their health, especially on their eyes sides.

How would you rate the impact of technology in kids' life? Highly positive or negative? Explain.

If I rate the impact of technology on kids it would be 9/10 or approx 10. Excess use of everything has bad effects on physical as well as mental health.

Positive Effects
  • Technology has made many advancements in the recent era which makes kids' life much easier. The best use of technology in kids' life is they get knowledge on a wider level.

  • If they need any information about different topics they can search on the internet and get different information. Through this, they can learn to distinguish between accurate and inaccurate information about their research articles.

  • There are many YouTube channels in which they have shared skills for kids. So, kids learn different and unique skills through the use of the internet and technology.

  • Kids become connected to their family and friends through mobile phones all the time if they are far from them. They can call them anytime whenever kids need their family.


  • Through the use of technology kids learn to express their point of view with freedom. They can share their thoughts, and their perspectives, and build their confidence.

  • With technology kids learn to organize things. They can set timetables to do their work. Through this kids learn time management.

Negative Effects

If technology has positive effects then it also has negative effects. But it's up to us whether we can use them in a better way or a bad way.

  • The worst effect of technology is that everyone has access to it including kids as well. It's so addictive that kids can't live without them.

  • Due to using technology kids become stubborn, angry, and less obedient to their parents. Consecutive use it makes kids angry and stubborn.


  • Due to technology, there will become less or even bonding between kids and parents. Because parents have no time for kids due to their busy schedules so, they busy them on the internet. At last, they don't care if their parents didn't spend time with them.

  • In this era, everyone tries to get more money and in that race, they get time to spend with family. Due to this kids adopted bad companies and adopted bad habits as well.

  • Due to the increased use of mobile technologies kids have not developed social skills, which makes children shy, less confident, and uncomfortable at parties or events.

  • Due to excess use of technology, kids learning skills become less or even zero. They didn't use their brains to solve problems and rely on the internet for problem-solving. This can lead to poor brain health and reduce their focus.

  • Excess use of technology leads to disturbed mental health as well as physical health. It affects their sleep cycle, immune system as well as weak eyes sides.

Can you have control over the exposure of kids to certain technological products? How?

Yes, we can control the exposure of kids to technological products. I have 2 nephews who are also addicted to YouTube channels and different video games. So, their parents were also worried about how to keep them away from mobile usage.


Then I give them the idea to involve them in more physical activities rather than any other thing. They bought toys for them and learning books that involves them. Now they prefer to play with friends rather than use mobile phones all the time.

I think parents need to pay attention to their kids that they get attached to them more than any technological products. Take them on trips, and parks and involve them in creative things. Teach them to do physical activities and brainstorming activities.

This was all about from my side. I hope you pay attention to your kids rather than remain busy in your life. I invite my friends @aaliarubab, @marlyncabrera, @deepak94, and @olabillions.

 2 years ago 

I agree with you, great post good presentation, kids couldnot develop creativity if they stuck all the time with cell phones and TV, and i also agree with you they become stubborn and less obedient to their parents by excessive use of technological products.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for review. Yes, parents needs to spend some time with them they didn't ruin their life while using technological advances all the times.

Thanks for sharing to us useful and informative article...

 2 years ago 

Thank you.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you so much.

I agree parent need to pay attention to kids, all you need is to study them and boooom, you realise how to handle them, technology is very much important to kids, it make them more intelligent, more open, broader and updates on recent educational activities online, the disadvantages can be handle with proper care, scheduling a specific hour for use per day is what my aunt does and it has been work good ever since them

Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Yes, in childhood kids needs their parent's affection love, and attention. On the other hand, their parents are busy making money to give them luxurious life but they didn't know they are losing their kids while doing this. They need to pay attention to their kids especially in 2 to 4 years.

Thanks for review.

I agree with you, these are also lessons for us that are not yet parent


Hi, @ashkhan :)

You speak very well on this topic, so much so that it's hard to imagine that you are really such a young person. I totally agree with you on this topic, especially how parent-child relationships have changed due to the long hours many of us spend in front of a computer, a smartphone, or experiencing virtuality from other angles and technologies.

Thank you for a good post. Cheers!

 2 years ago 

Thank you sharing your view about contest theme. Yes, parents should focus on their relationship with kids otherwise they develop bad habits which will take away their innocence.

 2 years ago 

I'm glad you were able to help your nephews control their addiction to video games and YouTube channel. Without a doubt, his new toys will help him to relate better to other children, and to carry out physical activities.

Successes in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for appreciation friend. Yes, now he is use to play with toys and make new things from his playing blocks. I thank to God that they change their habits earlier otherwise it was not good for their future.

Every activity done in the world today requires technology, it has come to stay both in the lives if adults and that if kids, it's importance cannot be overemphasized.
The kids also gain a broad knowledge when they use the internet and that is good, It's the excessive and negative use if it that must be controlled for children. Taking the kids out and engaging them in more physical activities is very helpful, thank you fir your suggestions

Queda claro que la supervisión y control del uso de las tecnologías es principal elemento para que el niño tenga una orientación clara de los que hace

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