Friendly Environment also makes family Bonding? by @anassiraj01

Hello Steemians

Assalam Alaikum to all my friends in the Steem Kids & Parents community. are you all right My friends. I'm fine, thanks to Allah and I hope all my friends are fine too. So today I'm posting my post in this community and I'm going to participate in this contest, which is being held by @uzma4882 and subject of the contest is Friendly Environment also makes family Bonding .

Friendly Environment also makes family Bonding?

As you all know that the most important people in a person's life are his friends and his family. These are people who support a person in every happiness and sadness and do not let them feel alone. Family and friends are a gift to a person from God and a person should value them, that's why today Our topic is on friendly environment.


Keep your relationship strong You will also feel good because your relationship with them is strong. A friendly atmosphere encourages honest communication between family members, allowing people to share their joys and sorrows with each other and even consider others in their decisions. Trust increases when family members feel comfortable spending time with each other, like each other's activities, and enjoy going out together, which strengthens the family bond. Because a person always feels shy to ask someone for help, but there are people in his life from whom he is not ashamed to ask for anything, those people are his family and friends. A friendly environment also creates the best relationship among future generations. When the elders of the family treat each other well, the children also learn that we should treat our parents in the same way.


It is found that by creating a friendly environment, the happier their family will be, the more harmonious their generations will be, and the friendly environment helps to maintain this harmony among their generations. As if I talk about myself, whenever I am sad, I go to one of my brothers and mention my sadness, otherwise I go to my cousins and mention my sadness and they try their best. They take me out somewhere, feed me, or we go out to play, which takes away my frustration and makes me very happy. I thank God for giving me me such a family and such friends, I hope that your family members stay strong always live a healthy life, Amen.

And with that, please allow me to leave, I hope you guys will like my blog, if you like it, please let me know below, if there is any mistake, please let me know so that I can correct my mistake in the future. I pray to Allah that you always have friendly relations in your family and give you all a healthy life. Take special care of yourself and the people around you, Allah Hafiz.

I would like to invite @waleedsiraj1, @azmat545, @azeem22 to participate in this beautiful competition. So that they can give their opinion about this competition.



Best Regards



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