in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)



It is said that foolishness abounds in the heart of a child. It's very true because every child born into the world is like a stranger in a foreign country and needs someone who will stand as a sign post for directions to arrive at a destination.

In other words, they are been given people who would guide, instruct and direct them, and these people are parents. The work of parents is a sacred work, and should be properly planned before you bring any child to the world. You need to be ready to take up the work of a friend, a good communicator, a partner and a fellow child. Now, let's talk about

This is a very vital role in a kid and parent relationship. Lack of communication in a kid and parent relationship is like a train without an engine, communication matters a lot, because it makes the kid very open and friendly to the parents.

Let's consider this conversation between a mother and a child.
"Dad, mom, how was work today? Did you have fun today at work? Did you find time to talk to God despite your busy schedule?How about your lunch?"

"Yes boy, work was fun today. I had a great time and I prayed during my break period. How about you?
How was school today?
Hope you answered questions in class? Hope you ate the food in your lunch box?"

"Yes dad and mom. I had fun today, it was a great day."

These conversations makes your kids free with you. You need to allow them to speak when necessary. Never shut them up when they want to speak. If they speak at wrong times, correct them with love, and teach them to speak when they're supposed to speak. Appreciate your kids when they have done something good,it will encourage them to do more good work, also, discipline them when they are wrong.

It will only deliver their souls from hell. Have time with your kids. This will make them have confidence in you as their parents and always be there for them at any point in time. Love your kids, and they in return will love you. They're your investments, so as much as you can invest and you will never fail to reap what you have sown.

Anything you teach a child right from the womb to the age of seven, remains in him.

Let's remember that it's the home that makes up the society, and it's the kid and parents relationship that would determine whether the society would be filled with vices or good morals.

With these love shown to the kids, it will help drive out the foolishness that abounds in the heart of the child.

 last year 

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