The Diary Game || 25-02-24 || Attending jw meeting, seeing a movie, playing football and chilling with friends

in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago

picture taken from my phone, edited on pixelLap

Dear diary
It's a Sunday morning, the day i woke up with joy in my heart, the day my mother gave birth to the most handsome boy in the world. Waking up to see messages from my Social Media friends, my colleague at workplace and also birthday wishes from my bank made my morning so glowing and awesome. Though we Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate birthdays, regardless i was happy for life. My day in words and pictures 👇🏾

Morning activities

Examining the scriptures and praying to Jehovah is one of my daily routine, so that was the first thing i did today before planning for house chores. Today's scriptures strengthen my hope. We're living in a world that we find it difficult to enjoy human rulership, but the Bible promised us a perfect leader by name Jesus Christ.


After examining the scriptures and saying some prayers. I prepared for today's meeting which is to start by 10:30am. Today's meeting was so interesting and educational especially for women who aren't married yet. Today's teaching prepared young girls ahead of their future, how to be a good wife and how to locate a responsible husband. It was all fun and interesting to be honest.

After meeting was over, we closed with a song and prayer, after the dismiss some brothers picked up brooms to prove to ladies that they're worth being a good and responsible husband, it was very funny. The sun was bright and i thought it's best i take some pictures under the bright sun. Here are some of the pictures i took this morning during and after meeting.

1708860890386.jpg single me after meetingIMG_20240225_114410_009.jpg@jbeecom with his baby
Afternoon activities

I arrived home by 1pm in the afternoon after exchanging greetings with my friends at the kingdom hall. I was so tired because my health condition isn't that okay. I looked for something fun to do so that the pains and tiredness in my body will be relieved, so i decided to see a movie titled "PAN".


This movie was so interesting, you can imagine how 2 young boys fought so hard to restore their late parents legacy. I enjoyed the movie so much till i slept off.

Evening activities

This session of my diary is the most interesting of all. It was 4pm in the evening and it's time to for exercise, so i quickly take a cold bath and prepare for the game. On arriving there, i saw nobody and i had intention of going back to the house or to watch Chelsea final.


After some minutes, a friend of mine came with his bicycle, so i decided to use that to troll around the field while waiting for my players. It's been a while i ride a bicycle and i did it today, so i decided to take just 2 shots.


I was happy when my teammates arrived at the pitch and without wasting of time, players were shared and the game started. It was a though game though, but we had a winner. My side won with 1 goal at the die minutes of the game. With this, the other team became weaker and we had to end the game before the 90mins accurate time.

Fun! Fun!! Fun!!!. After the game we planned with some players to go and chill in a palm wine joint, so we moved. I don't have much to say in this aspect, all i can say is that we had lot of fun. Some pictures below will prove what I'm saying.


We were chilling with plamwine, malt and bush meat. The bush meat was so tasty and pepperish and it gives me more inspiration to deal with the palmwine. I'm home now and it's bedtime. That's how my day ended.

picture source 👉🏾My phone (Tecno Camon20)



Best regards @alli001

¡Hola! Parece que has tenido un día lleno de actividades emocionantes y divertidas. Desde la reflexión espiritual por la mañana hasta el entretenimiento por la tarde y la diversión nocturna, ¡has disfrutado de un día verdaderamente variado!

Es genial que hayas tenido la oportunidad de aprender y reflexionar durante la reunión matutina, y me encanta que hayas encontrado tiempo para ver una película relajante y disfrutar de un buen juego de fútbol con tus amigos. Además, ¡no hay nada como relajarse con amigos en un lugar agradable mientras se disfruta de una buena comida y bebida!

Me alegra ver que pudiste recuperarte del cansancio y los dolores a lo largo del día y disfrutar de momentos de diversión y alegría. ¡Es importante encontrar tiempo para cuidar de uno mismo y relajarse!

Gracias por compartir tu día tan detalladamente. ¡Me has hecho reír y también me has inspirado a disfrutar de la vida al máximo! ¡Que tengas una buena noche de descanso y que mañana te traiga más aventuras y momentos felices! 😄🌟

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