Contest || Importance Of Co-education.

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago

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Good morning 🌞 my admirable steemians, trust you all are Steeming and doing good. It's an amazing contest organized by @moyeon about the importance of Co-education. Education is very crucial in the society because this helps both genders to express themselves in public and also creating job opportunities. I present my entry below 👇🏻

What is the meaning of co-education ?

Co-education is an educational system whereby both male and female gender share the same institution and classroom for learning. In my country (Nigeria), Co-education system is rampant because of its impacts on our kids. There's one school by name Cornelia Corneli College (CCC), this school is a all girls educational centre and i do wonder how the cope without mingling with male gender during their academics.

I was disturbed because it seems that's the only school i'm seeing around me that's not Co-educational, so i walked down to one of the students to ask why their school isn't Co-educational. She said "According to the management, it's that way so that we can focus on our studies rather than looking for boyfriends which will bring potential distraction".

It's true that most girls leave their studies to chase guys so that they'll feel among. So i think the management of that school (CCC) have seen this coming so decided to establish his school that way. A spoilt brat will always be a spoilt brat and a serious students will always be a serious students being it a Co-education system or not.

Which education you will prefer for your kids ? Coeducational centres or all boys /all girls educational centres

I'll prefer Coeducational centres for my future kids with reasons. I spent 14 years in school (from creche) before writing my SSCE, and all this year spent were mixed with both boys and girls. Mingling with both genders during this long period in school helped me a lot. There was a time my school had a debate competition with the all girls school i talked about earlier (CCC).

It was time for the debate so they brought out a female student and we present to them a male student. We won, not because he's so intelligent but because he outlined his points with courage and boldness being that he faces such genders in our school. The girl that came to oppose the motion was shivering while talking and couldn't outlined her points as planned. She said after the debate "I couldn't believe this, i barely confront guys this way because all my life in school, i spend it with my gender". She was so sad😢.

My school can express and defend themselves in public despite the opposition, but CCC weren't that type of school because they associate only with their gender (female) throughout their lifetime in school. That's one of the main reasons why I'll prefer Coeducational centres for my future kids.

How does Coeducational centres play role in developing personality of a child ?

Coeducational centres contributes to the development of a child because this will help the child communicate and associate perfectly with both genders. It'll also foster social skills. When you hear a full grown adult describing his or herself as an introvert, what comes into your mind? Probably that happens because of how the child was raised and the educational system they found themselves. So Coeducational centres plays a vital role in developing personality of a child.

Merits and demerits of Co-education


  • Preparing the students for gender interactions
  • Fostering social skills
  • Fostering respect between genders


  • Sexual harassment
  • Bullying
  • Romantic distraction

It's very crucial for parents to help their kids socialize, and the first step to do this is to admit them in Coeducational centres because this will help them express themselves and bring home the glory, just the way our students defeated the CCC female students.

I invite @bossj23 @jbeecom @ngoenyi to participate in this contest.

CC: @moyeon

Thank y'all for reading my content☺️

I like you post, it is interesting I also have Cornelia Connelly College as a case study. But the way they act amazed when they come out to see boys makes me worry about their safety.
Being academically educated but emotionally illiterate is a big problem. Uyo high school or Christian products are rough but more stable in my opinion.

 5 months ago 

With the look of things it seems you stay in Uyo. Uyo high school can stand out and win any competition compared to CCC because they rapour with both genders everyday.

You are very correct @alli001 that Co-education Foster social skills and respect from opposite gender. And also has its bad sides of bringing Sexual harassment and bullying amongst the students and unhealthy competition. Good luck on the contest

 5 months ago 

Yes, that sexual harassment is what pushes most parents to send their kids to all girls/boys school. Thank you for adding value to my content.

You're welcome dear


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 5 months ago 

It is not entirely true that co-educational schooling center promote promiscuous behavior. Anybody can become bad anywhere. The discipline and God fearing child, whether in a public schools will hold steadfast.

 5 months ago 

I do agree with you that while they may be some demerit such as sexual harassment and romantic distractions thanks for sharing your insights on the importance of coeducation best of luck.

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