Steemit Engagement Challenge S3W2: Impacts of Technology in Kids lives by @alihussain07| Supporting #burnsteem25


Introduction to Contest
Today we are in the 6th day of this Weekly Engagement Challenge and today I am going to write about the impact of technology as a whole and its impact of human life. This engagement challenge week was good where we mostly have to write about our own feelings, emotion and writing skills. So without any further going through to discussion I wil start my topic
How technology Impact the World as a Whole

The world is constantly changing. It can estimated from the idea that 65% of the children entering primary school today will be given new jobs that don't yet exist. Technologies that haven't yet been invented will solve problem that aren't even problem yet. We are the part of forth industrial revolution. Technologies is changing quickly,it affects most things that you do in the life and will impact how to work in the future.

The things which now a days looks very fast ,these will looks slow after 5 to 10 years because of new invention. If we take an ideas of changing condition of iphone we can say that in previous 10 years iphone has made a great changes in its technology. If we take a look to the future predictions of the technology then we can say that 10 % of the population wearing clothes connecting to the internet.

If we talk about artificial intelligence then it is already present in our everyday life and whilst they are predicted to take some human jobs they still need humans to preform the things. In the next 15 year the artificial intelligence will take our the most critical thinking. If a person that was died about 500 years ago , is given a chance to alive again he would not believe on this world full of science and technology. In his world he does not see the helicopter, scientific revolution and many more thing.

If we take a look to the impact of technology it has made a great impact on human life. The world is going to an easy way of solving problem with the help of technology. It would be not wrong to say that we are completely dependent on the technology or in other words we can say that technology is running our life. The great advancement in the field of social media brings a lot of changes in the world technology.

The impact of technology in field of communication is splendid. If we look few year back in 19th century people don't have enough source to communicate with the rest of world and if we need to convey a message from one side of the world to other it takes so much time and resources. But if we look at today life the technology has made it a great changes . Now we did not need to send the letter we just send an email or phone call to convey our messages.

Negative impact of Technology on Kids

When we talk about the technology it has both positive and Negative impact on human life but this impact totally dependent on how you use the technology weather you are getting useful information from it and using it for harmful impact on the society. So if we take a look to the negative impact of the the technology on children life then..

When we spend most of our time in using technology,it causing the wastage of time and our other important is missed. So if a child continually using the technology it would cause him the waste of his time. When the more time is given to the inappropriate searching then kids search those things and information which is harmful for them and cause a lot of damage.

Excess of use of technology also has an impact on the relationship of the kids with their parents. When they use excess of technology including social media they will detected from their parents and it would cost them in a sense that their behavior learning would disturbed. Another disadvantage of using technology is that we distracted from the good use of technology for which purpose it was invented.

Excess use of technology would cause the addiction of the technology and has very harmful effects on the health of the kids. For example if a kids continue to use mobile phone, playing games then it would cause the problem of eyesight weakness and headache. Excessive use of technology cause the children to be socially isolated that cause harmful effects to them.

The research have shown that 38% of the children in the age of 2 to 6 years use mobile phone to play games, watch movies or other media purposes , studies have shown that this early usage mixed with inappropriate content has been linked to aggression, isolation needing attention issues, so we can say that technology is a great tool don't allow your children to ruin their life.

Positive impacts of technology on Kids

It is due to modren technology that the communication has improved among the children and other people across the world. By using the modren technology children can learn a lot. If we go back to the era when the modren technology was not present, children was enable to search the solution of their problems and they always stuck to their problems. Modren technology also gives more and more knowledge to the children to behave well among others people

The positive impact of modren technology can also be seen in medical field. A few years ago when the technology was not established well in the hospital most of the children dies at the time of birth, but now a days the situation is completely different from past. Now at the time of birth kids are vaccinated and also normal case of delivery where child and mother health is also protected.

If we take a look to the creativity learning and skills of the children, although excessive use of mobile and computer screen is harmful for children but if they start using them in proper way this will increase the productivity of the children. Due to using of internet the life of the students become very advance and easy. Due to using of internet the carrier consulting of the kids become very easy.

Due to the impact of technology now it is possible for the children to learn distance based learning. There are certain conditions where the kids can not attend the class so in this situation they can learn same class work from home by connecting to internet.Those students which didn't able to pay the fee of the academia and other institute they can learn same course from internet and hence due to internet cost of education reduce.

How to rate positivity and negativity

One thing keep in mind that we cannot skip or deny the use of technology due to its harmful effects rather than we should go for getting positive information and knowledge by using technology. Every technology has its own pros and cons but we cannot stop the usage of technology just due to its negativity. When we compare the positivity or negativity , I think so the positive impacts of technology are more than the negative impact on the life of the children.

One thing so should do that we should control the use of technology and stop the children by using excess of technology. It is due to the technology that now s days 10 years old child knows about the technical ways of solving the problems. Now due to these technologies the world is making progress by leaps and bounds. Childers become more active in performing their duties. We have a great such example of Arfa kareem randhawa who was only 13 years old and she was youngest Microsoft certified professional.

Can we Control the Exposure of Kids to certain Technologies

The negative exposure of the technology can be reduced by following way in order to improve the heath, activities and knowledge.

In order to do a proper training of the children it should be compulsory made for them that they should not use the mobile, internet and other technologies during the time of gathering. If they do so they can learn in better way but if they use the technology in gathering places than it would not make good impact and their attention will also divert.

The other and most important thing which can overcome the negative use of technology and internet is that the social media accounts and other accounts which are used by child must be checked strictly. Parents should also advised people what kind of knowledge they must seen from the internet and what not be good for them. In this way the proper training of children will take place and they can avoid themselves from the harm of internet.

There should be a limited time given to the children in which they can refresh themselves by playing different games, social media accounts or any things they want to see as a refreshments.

We should also give advice to children to play more and more physical activities so that his mind and body remain fresh and his activities of using internet and other social media accounts decrease.


So in conclusion we can say that every thing has its own pros and cons. These pros and cons will determine the use of technology if the positive impacts of the technology are more than the negative then it is adopted by the society so we should pay attention to adopting those activities and technology which cause benefits for the society.

I would like to invite @steemdoctor1 @malikusman1 and @jani786 to take oart in the contest.


Technological advances have allowed us many advantages, to renounce to them would be to delay us in time, it is not that a time without them is not necessary but they are very important in the life of man, as for the children to provide guidance and supervision is enough to counteract the negative.

Proof of trying and learning. We’ve reshared your post!🎓🔬🧲😎📝💚

problem of eyesight weakness and headache.

Besides wastage of time, surfing of harmful content, addiction that have been mentioned , you have raised a good point of health as well. I like to see health related tumhe in topics because it give me pleasure to see health awareness in people . Even adults suffer helath issues due to exploration of technology.

to search the solution of their problems and they always stuck to their problems. Modren technology also gives m

Ease of learning has increased because of internet . I remember looking for books here and there and going to teachers till class 12 whenever i used to have some problem related to studies . Compared to that , learning is very easy these days .

Good luck

Thanks a lot respected for your kind review

 2 years ago 

Wow brother. You have explained your post in a very good manner. You have presented all of your thoughts in a nice and clear way. The most important thing is that you support the use of technology for the kids but with some limitations as well.

There should be a limited time given to the children in which they can refresh themselves by playing different games, social media accounts or any things they want to see as a refreshments.

Well said brother, there should be proper time management for the usage of Technological devices for the kids. Also, parents should have to moniter their kids in a proper way.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us and I realky appreciate your time in creating this post.


It's true that technology affects the eyesight if kids as we have seen a lot of them differing from this problem, they can also develop depression and lack of concentration is part of the negative effects of technology. For this reason they must be taught well how to make wise use of the tech. Limited should also be set for them...

I liked your post and the detailed way in which you explain the need for kids to be protected. Happy day!

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