"The fun of April Fool's prank"

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago

Greetings and welcome.

The April fools day is a day of fun and pranks and a time for the prankers to be pranked. All my childhood, I grew up with April fools day been a great day of fun for kids even though some take the pranks out of the box.


How did you come to know you are pranked for April Fool?

The thing about this April fools day is that you don’t even know you are being pranked until the deed has been done. I was pranked some days ago.

A friend of mine sent me an sms alert as if he sent money to my account. You know that moment when you are in dire need of money. When I saw the message, I saw a bit suspicious because someone sending you money without you asking these days is a big deal. When I opened the sms, I saw it was an April fools day prank.

Did you enjoy the funny moment?

The last April fool I experienced as I explained above, wasn’t funny o. How do you prank me that you’ve sent me money when u didn’t especially not when am in serious need for money but it’s not something to be angry about, it’s April fools day after all. I just smiled and shook my head.

Share any memories of April Fool's Prank?


One of the most scary April folds day prank I’ve witnessed was with my friend. I had this crazy friend that can be so daring. So on this April fools day, she decided to play a prank on her boss. She had a good rapour with her boss and she decided to pull some April fool strings on him.

She called him early in the morning as early as 6am and was screaming on the phone that she was dying and that the boss should please come to the house and help her to the hospital. With all seriousness, her boss jumped up from bed without brushing or bathing and dashed into the street, entered the next available bus as a caring boss to save a dying employee.

Only for him to be met by this same girl at the junction of her house shouting April fool. Haaa. The boss was mad at her. He felt like beating her up. It was an expensive Prank. At the moment is happened it wasn’t funny but later her boss was telling me the story and we were laughing. So much audacity. Thank God her boss was a good man else she was at the risk of losing her job.

Thats my take for my April fools day experience. Hope you enjoyed reading through. Thank you @drhira for this contest. You comments and support are welcomed. I invite @suboohi, @ruthjoe and @scilwa to participate in this contest.


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