Instilling Discipline In A Child, How Is It Done In Your Locality By @Akareen

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Hi friends,

It's my pleasure to participate in another contest for this week, Every child is born to rule, child is the joy of life of every parents. Parents should caution them whenever they go wrong so that it will not affect their future. Discipline is not only for kids alone is also for adults as well.


What Is Discipline

Discipline is the established rule and regulation lay down by any organisation, family, community and school in order to prevent disruptive behaviour.

Parents should start caution their kids from bad behaviour when they are still young, if they grow up with that it may have negative impact on them.

What Forms Does Discipline Take In your Locality

Every society have their form of discipline and it varies from one place to an others.


√ Scolding is one of the discipline common in our locality, this happen when children making a mess or they sent them an errand and they refuse to go.
This mostly done by Nigeria mothers, most kids do not like their parents to blame them in front of their friends.

√ Punishment is another discipline and is not in form of beating or hitting a child with stick. They tell the kids to rise up and close their eyes for like one hours or two hours.

What Usually Give Rise To Discipline In Your Locality


The things that normally give rise to discipline is disobedient, this happen when kids break the rule and regulation set up by school, community and their family.

How Does Kids Respond To Discipline In Your Locality

Kids respond to discipline in our locality, Although their is no bad child but bad behaviour exist in our locality, parents should not allow their kids to adapt bad behaviour to their existence .

Kids who respond to discipline are the one who turn to new leave and they will live their life positively while others who refuse are the one who join bad gangs.

What Do You Think Is The Best Forms Of Discipline To Be Given To A Child

The best forms of discipline to be given a child include the following:

• Do not harsh with kids, speak to them with gentle word.

• Bring your child to professional counsellor so that it will interact with your child, it will also differential negative behaviour from positive one, during that interaction it will determine appropriate therapy for such kids.

• Do not beat your kids mercilessly so that it will not lead to hospital, caution them with word of advice and encouragement.

• Promise them that you will buy them gifts if they do well in their examine.

Why Is Discipline Important In A Child Life


Discipline is very important in a child life, it will distinguish bad behaviour from good one. The kids who are well brought up are the one who pursue their career because they adapt good behaviour in their normal life. Hitting of a child with a stick is not the best things , word is enough for them to change positively.

What Should Be The Right Motive when Discipline Is Given

The motive is to let your kids obey rule and regulation in your locality and let them know that their is punishment for them if they behave badly.


Every parents have their own way of punishing their kids at home, parents should give them attention to express them self, they may be afraid to speak their mind to you if you harsh to them.
I invite @edidiongeffiong, @smartlouis and @lebey1 to join me in this contest.

Thanks you all for reading my post dear member of this great community

 2 years ago 

Great writeup. The clarity of this post made me feel out of space. You've made a great post here in most of your points. Personally, I'm allergic to harsh words which is a form of discipline in Nigeria. Parents should neither be too harsh or soft on their children. Children vary as to how they respond to discipline that's why discipline with love as you've said is vital. Even our God disciplines us

 2 years ago (edited)

child should be properly handle, beating, harsh word is not the option

 2 years ago 

Sure..... You're right but what if a parent thinks he's handling his child properly by pampering him and overlooking certain things? What can you say about this sir? Thanks for sharing once again

 2 years ago 

Pampering child too much is not good such child can be spoil in that moment.. Like i said in my post give him punishment not beating, Punishment like rise up your hand and close your for like 2 hours is okay and other kind of punishment like that

 2 years ago 

Okay....Nice one....

Yea, but sadly the African homes believe cane is the only option. Talking rashly will make them come back to their senses.

God help us


Thank you so much for inviting me, i will surely participate

 2 years ago 

You have written well boss, thanks for the invite.

 2 years ago 

Hi @akareen, your thoughts about discipline is very brilliant. It's true that discipline helps a child to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong thereby helping him to become a better adult in the future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us in this contest

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