Basic education | With Rancel Activities Read / Write and read


Hallo steemian everyone, greetings to all my colleagues, this time I want to share a story about the experience of traveling to one of the islands, namely the island of Aceh with an activity from the Reading Center Institute with the name of the Reading Backpack activity program which aims to educate and teach children in the village that is very remote so that they learn to be more active properly and correctly.


At that time, the reading backpack began to move at noon at 08.00 WIB on 19 September 2021, from Bireuen to Banda Aceh with 6 members from the Institute, namely the Almuslim Mapala University and the Reading Center Institute and mapala caniva.

Our journey from Bireuen to Banda Aceh was carried out in a relay from transportation cars to other cars who only wanted to help our journey, for example LPJ cars or gas cars, trucks, chicken transport cars, cement trucks and other goods trucks.


Our activity is sponsored and assisted by several other institutions, namely Mapala Caniva Banda Aceh Indonesia in the Aceh region (Regional Aceh). The activity lasted for approximately 7 days.

On the first day we headed from Bireun to Banda Aceh and arrived in Banda Aceh, on the second day we spent the night at one of the secretariats for nature lovers, namely at Mapala Caniva, on the third day we went to Aceh Island and spent the night at one of the owner's inns which named Bang Wek, he is a permanent resident who has been on the island for a long time, you can say the chief of the tribe on the island, on the fourth day to the sixth day we did KKN (real work lectures) in one of the basic education places on the island. And the seventh day we said goodbye to ask for permission to return to our hometown and do our respective activities again.


Our arrival on the island was well received and happy and we say a thousand thanks to the people of the island of Aceh and especially Mr. Gesyik Kampung and Bang Wek for accommodating us for five days, agencies who have helped support both morally and materially during our activities.

it's pretty fun, right, the experience and knowledge we get is also very useful and thank God the activities went smoothly, hopefully we will come back again with the same activities teaching children in the village.

That's all for our story, dear steemian, thank you for reading it.

Thank you I say to the #steemkids community platform and #admin and #team, I hope you are in God's protection and success always

Thanks to the team:

regards @agamtjutben

 3 years ago 

This looks like fun for the kids, thank God for safe trip. I'm sure the kids learnt a lot from the trip. Thank you for sharing, we hope to read more quality content from you.

thank you for the support

 3 years ago 

You are welcome.

Sharing these adventures with children is incredible because they make us see much beyond what we want to see. Congratulations on this job. Please take into account being able to contribute with the community to the official @steemkidss account in all your publications, you can do it with a minimum of 10% or more, but your contribution is important for its growth. We are all benefited. Greetings with affection from Venezuela.

thank you, warm regards to @mariajruizb

 3 years ago 

sukses selalu bang.....

Amiiin …. Terima mkasih

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