in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

Good morning my fellow steemian, how are you guys doing, i hope you all are doing great. Today i will like to share how i spent my day with you guys.

I woke up in the morning, went inside our parlour and observe my morning devotion, after observing my morning devotion I went outside my compoundto do some exercises.

Today is Biafra day, so nobody is going will go anywhere today , Even students won't go to school, we call a day like this SIT AT HOME.

So after doing the exercises, I started doing my morning duties. I first swept our surroundings swept our rooms and parlour. My sister will wash the dirty plates.
After doing my morning duties I went and brushed my teeth.
After doing that I went inside our kitchen to boil hot water for tea. We normally drink tea in the morning during sit at homes cos we would go out that day.
After boiling the hot water I prepared tea and bread for my family and we ate our breakfast.
After drinking the tea I relax a bit and take some pictures with my sister.

Taking pictures in the morning with my sister

After taking the pictures I started discussing with my sister she didn't go to school today because of the sit at home. I enjoyed staying with her cos she likes telling stories and gossiping 😜.

Some minutes later, The shop seller I bought organic soap from, brought the organic soap for me I was so happy because I won't go back to the market again. The woman really tried for me. She said that she decided to bring it since I have paid for it.

The organic soap i bought

During afternoon time, I cooked yam porridge for my family for lunch, we ate our lunch. After eating the lunch I went to our backyard to bring my clothes inside. The clothes I wash yesterday evening it has dried up.

Bringing my clothes inside

After bringing my clothes inside my father cameback from work around 4pm. He asked me to go to our garden to check if our melon fruit (ugbogoro) has ripe and I also I should weed the garden because weed has covered up there.
I started going there immediately, when I reach there I first checked if the melon fruit( ugbogoro) has ripe.
Surprising to me only one melon has fully riped. I harvested it and kept it by the side. Other are still unriped.
I started removing weeds from the garden . I removed everything and make sure there is no weed in the garden again and went back to my house.

working in the farm and the ugbgoro i harvested

I went back to my house around 5pm, it was already getting dark but I had to rush home.
When I get to my house I quickly went and took my bath.
After taking my bath I dress and start warm our foods for dinner

After taking my bath in the evening
I warm the yam porridge, After warm the food I served dinner, everybody took their own and ate
After eating I went inside my room, spread my bedsheets and also swept the room.
Laid down on my bed and start writing my diary game.

Thanks for reading my post.


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