#burnsteem25||Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: Impacts of Technology in kids lives by @abialfatih||#club100

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)


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Impact of Technology to The World

For those of us who live at the beginning of the third Millennium or the year 2000 and above, we can witness very significant and radical changes in human life due to the impact of increasingly sophisticated and advanced technological developments, our human life is getting easier, we see amazing things every day. -days that were never thought of today are so easy to get in everyday life

Communication technology is developing so rapidly marked by the emergence of the internet and mobile phones which are very massive in development after the birth of various operating systems such as Android and iOS which drastically changed human life, as well as transportation technology, technology in the health sector which made life expectancy higher and the level of health in all corners of the world is getting better

Technology seems to make the world closer, real-time relationships can occur in every corner of the world wherever you are, technology has brought prosperity and prosperity to most of the world's population but there are also increasingly sophisticated technologies that make us more afraid, such as the development of military technology that can lead to the destruction of mankind

Positive Impact Of Technology in Kids Life

It is undeniable that technology has a great impact on children, both in terms of positive and negative impacts, because any product or technology must have two sides of impact, like two sides of a sword, what needs to be considered is how we use it so that it has a greater positive impact. what we get


The positive impact of technology on children's lives must be very much because all technology, innovations and products produced by mankind basically aim to facilitate and improve the standard of living of mankind, including providing a positive impact and the greatest benefit to children.

Based on my experience as a parent, some of the positive impacts of increasingly sophisticated and advanced technology on children include With increasingly sophisticated and advanced technology, the main positive impact is that children will learn more easily, learning media will be easy to obtain, if in the past to learn must go through the teacher and in the classroom at school now children can get lessons anywhere both from online media from cellphones to television from the internet and so on, the most important thing is the willingness of children and direction from parents so that technology can be utilized effectively. maximum

For example, my child can easily learn recitations from YouTube, how to memorize and how to recite the Koran, as well as some learning materials at school that can be searched on a computer using internet services that have reached remote villages.

Likewise, the presence of television technology can make it easier for children to learn various good characters and also with a good spectacle, children can imitate good things, it's just that the role of parents must continue to monitor so that children don't choose the wrong spectacle on the internet. television


As an illustration In the past when I was in elementary school there was no electricity so it was difficult for me to study at night I had to use a petromax lamp, now electricity is present even in the most remote places, as well as access to communication is very easy, children and parents can connect online and children and parents can supervise each other making it easier in every line of life

With transportation technology, it also makes it easier for children in everyday life such as going to school. I used to walk almost 5 km on foot to reach elementary school, now transportation technology is very developed, children can easily access their schools.

The point is that with technology, all lines of children's lives are now very easy, including health technology which is developing very rapidly so that children are now much healthier than before before health technology developed rapidly.


In addition to the positive impact of a product or technology produced by mankind, it must also have a negative impact, including for children, some of the negative impacts of technology that I have observed from my experience for children include that children are now very addicted to cellphones, on average children ask their parents to buy cellphones they can play games for hours or play and open YouTube and other social media so that their time to study and socialize with the environment is greatly reduced

In conclusion, my goal or dream when I was little was to become a religious teacher and have a study center or Islamic boarding school. I think I have achieved the maximum even though today I don't have an Islamic boarding school but I teach as a religion teacher and my daily job is to be in direct contact with guiding people to carry out religious norms

Negative Impact Of Technology in Kids Life

The negative impact of information technology that is growing rapidly is that children do not have friends in the real world, meaning that social relations are now more empty, they are more in touch through social media, they do not interact directly, so it is not good for children's psychological development.


In addition, based on my observations, today's children cannot manage their time well, they are negligent and busy with cellphones and watching television and playing games. Even worse, the negative impact of information technology which is developing very rapidly is when various pornographic sites and videos, content violence and others that are not suitable for viewing by their children can easily access and open them from their cellphones

In addition, I see that the health conditions, especially the eye health of children, are declining due to playing games, for children who like to play games on their cellphones for hours, they will automatically become addicted and make their thinking power low and they become lazy and spend more time. time to sleep while playing games so that health can also increase the risk of obesity and various other diseases due to lack of movement and lack of exercise


Rate The Impact of technology in kids' life is Positive

Based on my experience and observations as a parent of four children and also as a religious teacher who teaches children at night in general, technology brings greater benefits compared to the negative impacts caused

I think the positive impact is greater as long as parents, teachers and the community can monitor the use of technology by children to minimize the negative impact of technology on children


The point is how the role of parents, teachers and the community in supervising and minimizing the negative impact of technology on children, because surely children will follow the directions and guidance of their parents as long as they do not use violent methods, Direct children to take advantage of increasingly advanced technology for the good and keep children away from some of the negative impacts caused by technological advances

Control Over the eExposure of Kids to Certain Technological Products

To control some of the technological devices used by children, my experience is to use several features or applications that we can use to block various info or content and videos that are not suitable for children. The way I think is very easy for all parents. can do it

As parents we are allowed to let our children use mobile technology devices and so on, but in a limited time and we must monitor their use and to make sure you can use some features to block information that is not appropriate for children

Parents can also directly supervise children's activities when they are outside so as not to fall into various things that have a negative impact on their lives in using increasingly sophisticated and advanced technology.



From the article above I can conclude that increasingly sophisticated and advanced technology has brought many extraordinary changes in human life including the lives of children, of course every product of technology has positive and negative impacts including for children, our duty as parents as teachers or as a community is to guide and supervise children in a good and polite manner so that they can use technology for the good of children and prevent children from the bad effects of technology

In this very good opportunity, I invite some of my steemian friends @waterjoe @f2i5, @ridwant and @moer to take part in a contest organized by the Steemkids Community

My Greats thanks to all members of steemkids community and especially to: @patjewell, @ngoenyi, @focusnow, @eliany, @peachyladiva, @mariajruizb, @benton3, @goodybest, @karianaporras, @saracampero, @humaidi, @madilyn02

Thanks for visiting and reading my blog



Best Regard,




 2 years ago 

It's right everything has its positive as well as negative effects it's up to us how we can use them either positively or negatively. I loved your kid's activities. They look so cute. They have shown in pictures what they are learning and it all depends on parents how they are raising their kids. Best article up till now. Good luck. Success for you.

Thank you my friend, succes always for you and your family

 2 years ago 

Teknologi penting! Namun ada batasan bagi mereka dibawah umur.. Sukses untuk anda!

it's just that the role of parents must continue to monitor so that children don't choose the wrong spectacle on the internet. television

I must say I agree with you 100% here. Technology has so much adnvatages and can be so beneficial to kids if parents are at least able to control what they see and do till their of age.

Kids can access anything at all they want these days which isn’t helpful. Tech has made information so easily accessible which comes with a downside.

Thank you for sharing.

Hahahhahaaa... very interesting.. it's funny when you look at it

Terimakasahi om

Woow you explained the topic very well and include your original image that's great i would request you to visit my contest entry and give some suggestions i really wait for your kind guidance

Thanks a lots bro

 2 years ago 

I really love to read your in detail over view of technology and its impact of kids life. You shared it by using practical examples of your kids. Good luck for contest👍

Thank you very much my friend for your attention and support

Bravo 👏. I loved everything you wrote. I believe as a parent you have the best experience because you have passed through the stage where technology wasn’t advanced when you were growing and you know how it affected you. And now that you have kids, you see how it’s affecting them.

Taking about the negative effects, staying too long on your phone playing games and stuffs exposes us to radiations which isn’t the best. Thank you for sharing and good luck.

Thank you very much for your attention and support my friend

 2 years ago 

I love you post. It is clear from the photos that the kids knows exactly how to use them to their advantage. 😊
Kids ard pretty smart.
Good luck with the contest 🤞🏻

Thank you very much for your attention and support, wish you all the best

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