To Boot -- Vol. 9

in Steeming Community3 years ago

Happy Friday, everyone! O and where does the time go? Welcome to another Friday Edition of "To Boot", where we will explore some of the great content being shared across the steemit platform.


Spotlight 1 -- "Energy Flows Where Attention Goes"

by @nainaztengra

This is a beautiful article about how the author copes with "feeling off," or what psychologists might call "cognitive dissonance."

She describes her routine of meditation in the morning, using tarot cards and crystal grids, going to the beach alone for relaxation, and eating light for higher-frequency energy.

One of the phrases above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi is "Know Thyself." It seems @nainaztengra knows herself very well and that she encourages us each to learn those things we can bring our attention to that will be helpful when our energy gets murky.

Many thanks to the author for sharing this post!

Spotlight 2 -- "I want to fly with faith"

by @godingame

In this post, the author shares an original poem that is very lovely to my eye and ear. I especially treasure the following lines:

How many flowers have floated,
Moving forward with many mistakes.

I imagine a flower, a lotus flower particularly, floating downstream. No one is going to fault a flower, or for bumping into things along the way. No one is going to fault the debris, for being what it is.

We are all headed from the Source to the Ocean. Many mistakes we will make along the way, but we will keep moving forward.

Valuable time passes,
Our time was running out,
Now it's just a matter of time.

Many thanks to the author for sharing!

Spotlight 3 -- "Tulip under the Tree"

by @puncakbukit

In this post, the author has created a beautiful piece of digital art, using a picture of tulips in an urban setting. I recommend clicking the link to see this magical art.

The following poem accompanies the piece:

On a warm asphalt square
In front of the train station
The spring sun shines pleasantly
And tulips also bloom under the tree

Many thanks to the author for sharing this post!

And many thanks to you for reading! Have a wonderful weekend!!

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