Steemingcurators community contest: How to keep work-life balance?

How to keep work-life balance?

Work Life Balance.jpg

“Nothing is perfect in life try to reach the perfection every day in personal and professional life”

Now a days we hear lot off buzz around this topic. This is always a good question to ask and best part about the question is we ask this question every now and then. Answer to this question will differ from every individual as we learn a lot in our daily experiences which keep on build our thinking process and decision making ability. The only way to get the answer is to try out some more things, it will be a trial and error concept. After trying more things, you will come to know which suits your lifestyle and work culture.

Work Life Balance means separating and keeping your personal and professional life without letting one to disturb the another. During my experience in the corporate world I have observed people spending their most of the time achieving their targets, meeting timelines and delivering error free output. While observing I have decided to maintain that required balance in my corporate and personal life. Following are some of my observations on which one should concentrate or work to achieve best in life.

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1- Time Management –
If you plan your day and tasks which you need to finish, it will ease your work. While managing your time keep some spare time for unplanned work which might come at any given time. If you plan your 8 Hours of work very well then you can enjoy remaining 16 Hours peacefully.

2- Mental Health -
If you want any positive change in you, please start it from your MIND. If you hold your horses in difficult situation you can do wonders. No matter who you are and what you do, no matter how many obligations you are having, do not lead yourself towards burnout.

3- Weekend with your loved once exclusively
I found it difficult to catch up with people I love (friends and family) on weekdays. I read somewhere a quote ‘Nobody is too busy, it’s just a matter of priorities’. Try to meet people who gives you positive energy, who encourages you to do better, who gives you additional knowledge. Don’t take them granted for anything and don’t keep them last in your list.

4- Exercise
The sooner you understand that health comes first whether its physically or mentally. It’s better to know that you are the only one who can take care of yourself better that anybody. I can see people are spending 45 to 75 minutes in a gym, yoga or Zumba. You can compare the energy between those who spend some time on workout and those who avoids it. Staying fit will benefit you in a long run.
Realizing the importance of exercise helped me to plan my day with exercise, walking or swimming.

5- Develop more habits
Habits are the things you love to do in your leisure time or you will fetch some time to work on that habit. Habit plays a very important role in keeping your mood balanced. If you love to play video games, soccer or anything, do it more often. Try to engage yourself in things which you are not doing for any return.

6- Avoid being distracted by social media
Always being active on social media will suck most of your crucial time, break your link, distract you from your target and it will create a bad impression on your team if you use your mobile often while discussing any important issue. In my opinion social media can take away your ability to think in a broader way. Some of the well-known personalities you follow on social media force their thought on you. As I observed people believe whatever they see on social media, they don’t even bother to fact check it.


 4 years ago 

Hi @vivekagrawal,

Did you write this for the Superhero contest?

If so, I'm having some difficulty to accept your entry. You have not followed below rules correctly.

✅ Choose any given power from the pool and use your imagination power inside you

✅ The title of your post must be: Superpower Contest | @yourname with (Power you selected)

hello @virajherath
Yes i have written this for superhero contest, if possible please suggest how to resolve above mentioned difficulties.
I will try to come up with more useful content in future... I wish more power to us

 4 years ago 

Well, first of all follow this link and read the guidelines.

Superpower contest

Once you select a superpower use that as an imagination story or your personal experience.

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