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RE: Steeming Community comment contest || HOW YOU HAVE SPENT YESTERDAY ON STEEMIT?? || Date: 15th June,2021

how i spend my yesterday on steemit

Hello dear friends how are you hope you all are fine and ok. My yesterday was too much busy. I woke up at 8 am i didn't do any thing first of all took my phone start working on steemit because I was making my verification post. I was posting my 2nd achievement. Work on that at least 3 hours finely i complete my achievement at 11:15pm.
Then i go for bathroom for fresh out. After breakfast i was again ready for steemit. Comment my friends and vote them there luck. Check out my group members because my duty is to check out my group members profile and there wallet. My duty is to check them when they are online and doing there work like best way or not. After checking them put my phone on charge go to my personal work. And at 9pm i was again ready to do my work on steemit. Then i create my daily post or my daily life style. At 12pm i was free. Hope you will like my comment

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