THE DIARY GAME : DATE(23/08/2020): A day with thankfulness

What’s up steemians!! Another day with the diary game challenge.

Early morning

Today I woke up early, got freshen up and went outside for a little walk. I had walked nearly ten or fifteen minutes.
Then I got back home and took a snap of my window view from my bed.
Then I took my breakfast. Other days, I do my workout excercise before breakfast. But today I got little bit tired, that's why I took my breakfast and then did some workout. I had a pending work on steemit for achivement 5 on newcomers community as I got verified for achievement 4. I took the time for this achievement post.
I took bath at noon and had been joining my online class for two hours. Then I took a little nap till the afternoon.


In the afternoon, I went to my rooftop garden for taking care of my garden. Today I found my mulberry plant bearing fruits.
That was a happy moment for me. Last month, another fellow gardener had gifted some cuttings of mulberry plants and today I got the result of my patience. Then I personally thanked that person via messenger.

Enjoying sunset

After then, one of friends called me to hand out and I went outside for a refreshment. Sitting on the railway side, I enjoyed my evening part and took a few snaps of the sky.

Rest of the day

Then I returned my house and got freshen up. Its important to wash hands, face, legs after getting back from outside in this pandemic day for a better safety. After that I spent my time on facebook doing scrolling, chatting etc.
I had dinner at 9 o'clock with plain rice and some vegetables curry. Then I sat with my phone, playing games for sometimes. After then, I am writting this dairy post on steemit.
That's all for today. See you guys in another dairy post.
Good night everyone
Thanks to @steemitblog and @steemcurator1 for this amazing challenge.


Just another day in paradise :)

 4 years ago 

Hi @sarifiin , It's really good to have a walk early in the morning. It will keep you fit throughout the day ! Wow you got a rooftop garden ? That's amazing .. and congratulation on the mulberry plant's achievement.
#onepercent #srilanka

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