Steeming Community Contest||"My Ways To Avoid Procrastination" @ sandrakez

in Steeming Community3 years ago

Why You Do it,What To Do About It NOW

now is the time

Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions. If you struggle with procrastination know that you're not alone.

Everyone has put off a task at some point in their life( Take for example, this contest that I had to post yesterday).

As a student,Procrastination is extremely common.75% of students consider themselves procrastinators myself included with 50% as a habit and to the level it is considered problematic.The most common ways are being on the phone,social media, binge-watching dramas. Truthfully, been a student in this age of technology is just one long lesson in temptation.

Last semester,I had lots of regret. The semester begun and before I knew it exams were near and I still found myself not in anyway prepared. I was laying on my bed one day when I strolled to my WhatsApp only for me to see on the group submission by 12noon.

And my jaw dropped because I couldn't figure out what they were talking about. I saw myself swiping up like crazy only for me to see that the novels given to read in the beginning of the semester which by the way, I starred by myself was due . I felt like a joke. I began panicking, I didn't have the novel and I had no idea where to start.
I dressed up ran to school, hoping to find anyone that came with their novel , all I saw were people with their 26 chapters summary.
I didn't know what to do, I found someone who specifically told me you can't copy or paste but had to summarize the chapters in your own words. I used 45 minutes to write,read and summarize 26 chapters. I couldn't even read my own work I was writing. There I was, hoping the lecturer would be able to see through my jargon. My fingers have never ached so bad. I began to question myself that day. If all this was really necessary.

I came back that day and I had a rethink I researched on ways to help myself. So I'll share my tips with you.

Why Do You Procrastinate?

I questioned myself ,"Why do I keep procrastinating even though I know that it's hard for me and even though I want to stop"?

  • I had believed that putting off studying until days to the exam is much better than reading ahead of time. As it prevents me from forgetting.
  • I had established the fact that I'm lazy and as such the times I decide to do things is very much appropriate for me.
  • I had established that I rather rest, watch a movie to cool off than pick up that paper work. Which I push back to later as I'm exhausted.

Those were the few things which I had gotten comfortable doing and on countless occasions hasn't worked out well for me.

Students often procrastinate because they don’t see how a project is relevant or important to them, don’t understand the material, or just don’t know how to get started. When you narrow it down, procrastination is a combination of motivation, confidence and comprehension issues.

where to start

So for a change I started to answer the question

What To Do Now?

Procrastination can have a negative effect on students’ schoolwork, grades, and even their overall health. Students who procrastinate experience higher levels of frustration, guilt, stress, and anxiety in some cases leading to serious issues like low self-esteem and depression due to increased work load.

And I came up with my ways to avoid Procrastination, I call it. The Elimination Method

If it wasn't a priority it wasn't going to be attended to. If I,out of habit pick up my laptop to watch a movie, I remind myself that I can always watch this movie but that assignment or test has a due date and the movie doesn't. I eliminate irrelevant activities .

From prioritizing I realized that I actually started getting things done . So since I know I love my movies and you can't really let go off the habit so quickly. I decided to watch an episode as a reward for my progress at the end of each task I had.

This was very difficult to adjust to because I always overlooked it. But overtime I got a hang of it. Eliminate unnecessary things and block out time. This was my go to, it helped me remember. A big ass calendar that I can't overlook, and mark it out. I also set reminders on my phone Just as you would an important meeting. And when the time comes you can time yourself.

It doesn't have to be perfect. Looking for a perfect time, fear of not having a perfect work if done at a certain time. What matters is that you're motivated to do what needs to be done. Regardless of how imperfect it turns out to be. As a student motivation is paramount. You can only do more if you're motivated. Start with what interests you(that topic or chapter), it will boost your motivation.


choose productivity
Eliminating excuses. This is very important. " I'm tired" " Let me rest a little" "I'll do it tomorrow" . I change it all up."Let me do this now and get done with it". " I'll rest when I'm done". It helps me achieve my goal regardless of how tired I was. Then I rested for as long as I wanted with no regrets.

Fear of failure and perfectionism are major causes of procrastination, and can be difficult for many students to get over. Set clear and realistic goals will help your expectations and track your progress.Understand that it's okay to fail and treat it as a lesson for next time.

Procrastination is like a credit card, lot of fun till you get the bills- Christopher Parker

Procrastinators focus more on short-term gains(avoiding the distress associated with the task) as opposed to long-term results(the stress of not doing it,as well as the consequences of avoiding their task).

Deep rooted habits like procrastination needs to be totally eliminated. It is necessary to detoxify yourself. However don't rush it. It can only work when you're ready to let it go. Truth is it's not going to be easy. you can do it now!

I'll like to invite @samsteem100 @rexxalo @chuksjoseph


 3 years ago 

!zen 30

"Live now, Do now"... nice one🙂

Contest entry verification:

1. set 30% post payout to steemingcuration
2. steemexclusive
3. posted at Steeming Community
4. at least 300 words
5. used of own photos or with source
6. contest post resteemed
7. commented the post link
8. invited at least 3 friends
9. tags used

Thank you so much for joining this contest. I wish you good luck!

 3 years ago 

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