My ways to avoid procrastination by @papi.mati

in Steeming Community3 years ago

My Ways To Avoid Procrastination

There are days that I would have to write just "I fail and procrastinate a lot", but that would not be the best publication, wouldn't it? I mean, sure, most of the time I am doing my best to finish all the responsibilities before going to sleep and I will gladly share it with you all, but there are days when I do have a headache, I am too tired, or simply in a very bad mood and then I am not pushing myself to do more than it's necessary. If I feel bad, the world will not end if I won't publish anything on steemit one day or if the house will be dirty for 24 hours :)

Let's just focus on the things which help me to work effectively most of the days:

1. Making lists

I do love to prepare the list of the responsibilities organized from the things I'll make at first to the activities which I am leaving for the end of the day. That really helps me not to skip anything, gives me satisfaction when after making one task I can cross it out from the list and, finally, allows me to put on tomorrow's list anything that I was unable to do today (if there are any things like that).

I'm a real list maniac - I do have a shopping list, bills payment list, long-term activities list, savings list, and daily activities list which changes every morning. If I wouldn't make any of them, I guess I could have this feeling that I am forgetting about something while with the responsibilities pointed out on the piece of paper, my mind is calm.

What doesn't work for me is to plan an hour of everything which has to be done. In that way, I am more stressed than I might be late and at the end of the day, my work is less effective.

2. Planning short activities

Instead of writing down "clean the house" I do prefer to point out on the list everything that has to be cleaned or at least putting there every room separately. That allows me to make at least a short break between cleaning one place and another and that kind of mini-breaks keeps me working longer. Speaking about cleaning the house or cooking - if I am making the manual things that don't require my full attention, I do like to play audiobooks or watch some series in the meantime. When I am distracted by something that gives me joy, the time goes faster.

3. Making short breaks and rewarding myself

After one task is finished, I do like to take a short break and do something pleasant - it can be a relaxing bath or the shower, it can be one episode of the short series, talking with my partners, calling my family, or anything else what does not consume too much time. In that way, I am giving the signal to my brain that every responsibility which was well done comes with the serotonin dosis. It may work more in a psychological way, but it really motivates me to do more.

While working with the laptop (writing on steemit etc.), it's great to use the break for some physical activities. It might be the exercises but it can also be a short walk or anything else that will help me to stretch out and gain some energy.

4.Big reward for the end of the day

That's basically an extension of the previous point. If I can finish all the things from the daily list, I allow myself for some longer pleasure. Then, when I have plenty of free time, I can play board games or computer games, I can watch a full movie or read a book. If it's already late and I don't have time to do what I want to, I am moving it to the next day morning, but I keep in mind that I should reward myself even if the next day is busy.

There is plenty of days when I am unable to make everything from the list and the things which were not prioritized go to the list for another day. I am trying to not stress that too much. At the end of the day, we all are just people, and stressing won't change anything. Unnecessary stress is just making us live shorter, harms our health, and for the people around us.

5. Getting ready before work

That point is mostly about writing on steemit. As I know that writing will take me a couple of hours, I am always trying to prepare properly before starting to write. That includes most of the time some snacks or sandwiches next to my working space, water, making sure that all the devices are fully charged, that dog is fed and boys don't need anything. Why does it? Every distraction, every single reason to leave the laptop and do even the shortest thing, causes losing attention. In that cases, it usually takes me some time to rethink what did I already write and what I was going to write after. When I can write the publication without leaving the workplace, the process is much shorter and motivation stronger.

6. Low temperature in the room

That trick works more biologically. If it's too hot at home, it's much more difficult to focus. Warm makes me also sleepy. I am trying to keep the low temperatures when it's possible and since I am doing it, I have noticed a significant increase in my motivation. Now, I don't know if it's just me or if that's the rule, but I assume it works with everyone so I recommend you at least to try it.

The temperature at home shouldn't be freezing, it's not about suffering under the blanket, but it should be slightly cold (15-18C)

7. If possible, working at night

I am living with two other people in the apartment and I do have an overprotective dog who is barking every time he hears the slightest noise on the corridor. I respect silence more than anything else, so those kinds of distractions have a very negative impact on my creativity and productivity. The solution is simple - if I have to work during the day, I am informing everyone that I will need to focus and closing the door to the room. If I can work at night, I do prefer it as when everyone sleeps, I can give all my attention to the task I have to make.

Those are seven things that help me to remain productive. I am very interested in the advice which you may have for me. I promise to read all your publications about it and who knows, maybe I will learn something new that will make me even more productive than now.

Thank you for reading,

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 3 years ago 

!zen 30

wow, "listing" if this is how most of us do... there is no way to panic when the deadline is fast approaching then.🙂

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 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

very well said sir... Keep it up!

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