Steeming Community Contest | "Your Story 2" The sturbon kid"

in Steeming Community3 years ago

Hello committed steemians. Am glad to be once more a participant in yourstory.Hope u get my story in good health and also hope you guys will enjoy my story titled "stubborn kid"


Once upon a time there lived a happy couple in the city of Bamenda, Cameroon by names mr Johnson and Mrs Mary. Mr jhonson was a doctor and Mrs Johnson was an international business woman.They later gave birth to two handsom boys, twin known as Belcane and Bernard.

Bernard was a humble and respectful child he did everything their parents asked of him to do when he gets up, he made sure he did all his house chores before leaving for school but his twin brother Belcane was a complete opposite of Bernard. He was a very disobedient boy, he never did anything in the house and when his brother Bernard tried to talk to him about his attitude that what he was doing was not correct, he will frown, shout at him and even beat him up without even trying to listen or take into consideration what he was talking about.

Belcane's father tried his best to decipline him but his efforts went in vent because belcanes mother loved belcane so much and was always defending and supporting him regardless of what he has done wether it was good or bad.

Belcane grew up to be a lazy fellow, he flee school at the secondary level. And due to that, he was always idle and due to exccess idleness and the fact that belcane needed money to survive, he became a theif. He stoled almost everything food, dresses and money he was always going Scot free for all his evil deeds but as the always say that 99 days for the theif, one day for the owner, One unfortunate day for Belcane, he stole and he was caught so he got arrested and was jailed.

I will cut my story short
here guys. Lesson learned is that as young person, you should always be obedient and respectful because sturboness does not pay.
I will like to invite @tifuh, @nafisatu and @chiabertrand.i extend my special appreciation to @fabio2614 for coming up with this contest.

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

Hey! Congratulations your post has been selected by @alejos7ven to be upvoted by @steemingcuration account, thank you for create valuable content and contribute with the community being a Steemingzen, continue doing a great job! 🧑🏻‍⚖️
#onepercent #twopercent #affable

 3 years ago 

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Wow thank you sir
I appreciate that

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