Why I am still here on Steem, and why I won't leave anymore!


I have already explained a few times when and why I came to Steem in the fall of 2017. It was at the beach when one of my friends was talking about Steemit, and quickly curiosity defeated all suspicion and I jumped somewhat eagerly into a world that was completely new to me.

Within a very short time I had met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot about things that have kept me busy and fascinated me ever since. I was first introduced to the topic of blockchain and cryptocurrencies here on Steem, and since then I have been hooked and it never let me go. In the early days, I was surprised to find out that I was not the only Steemian in my city and we even formed a small community, which unfortunately disappeared in the course of time during the year 2018.

I myself have then allowed me too a little break, but have always stayed close to the world of cryptocurrencies. And last spring I found myself taking a closer look at the Steem world again and discovered that our blockchain had cloned itself, not just once, but repeatedly. Fortunately, due to my time off, various disputes and arguments had just passed me by and I was able to dive back into the blogging world without any bad feelings, but loaded with quite some good mood.

I guess it is important that I don't take it too seriously anymore, and that I set myself a some kind of (time) limit. When I started with Steemit, I was fully caught up and spent countless hours writing, commenting and voting. Somehow I had committed myself and could not take a break from it so easily.

Of course I still write, comment and vote. But being on Steem now comes with way less pressure and therefore much more fun and ease. And I'm now focusing my writing on creating travel reports and photo stories mainly from my host country Japan, which just suits me best. And what is also the most fun!

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Oh yes fun! That needs to be the most important thing here on Steem!

Always when I so browse through my photos, I remember the many stories that I was privileged to witness in so many interesting places. In terms of fascination, especially Japan has something to offer behind almost every corner and it is precisely this kind of mood that I would like to share. With as many people as possible. And that's why I enjoy writing and creating my posts so much, I could probably spend the whole day introducing all the different places I've already been lucky enough to visit. If there were not all the other obligations in my life. And it's exactly the latter that bring me back down to earth and make sure that I always have to allow myself to take a time out.

Because "offline" life is just too wonderful. Even in the present time, please don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

At the moment I seem to be able to balance between the real and the digital world, so I'll continue to stay with you here on Steem. You might have noticed that I often write i German as well, and right now it looks as if we could revive the German-speaking community, so I want to write more in more native language. Of course I really enjoy writing in English and I hope that bilingual contributions will still be welcome here as well.

In any case, no pressure should be applied nor accepted, but let's enjoy this ride here together to the fullest.

Nobody is going to spoil the fun we are having her on Steem anytime soon, and that's exactly why we will continue to stay here!


 3 years ago 

Seriously, steemit has become a part of our life since I have joined this beautiful ecosystem.

 3 years ago 

Hi @maxinpower nice sharing from you about your journey on Steemit. Good that you are able to balance your offline and online lifestyle. I'm still a bit more on online lifestyle right now, will strive to balance it out with more connection to the offline world. Which part of Japan you currently residing?

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