Steeming Community Weekly mini-contest: "Dear Steemit" @maralop16 (Spanish-English)

in Steeming Community3 years ago



Hello dear Steem, I want to tell you that I am glad to have met you, you are one of those things that when you find them you find a world full of opportunities and benefits.

When I found you I found countless stories that through you I could read, and I managed to feel at home talking with friends and telling stories, Dear Steem I want you to know that, just as you have helped me, you help many people in need and that thanks to a grain of sand they are very happy and lucky.

Thanks to you we can have a better life, I hope that many people know you, live you and make you their favorite time.

Before I did not know about you, I did not understand you very well, but with the help of my boyfriend @josegma96 I was able to meet you, maybe I still do not fully understand you because little by little I keep looking for you, I feel very excited to be part of you and continue growing up in this great family, I hope I can meet your expectations and be worthy of all your benefits.

You make me a new person, a creative person, outgoing through my stories and with more noble feelings to express them.

Without more than adding my dear Steem we will meet again in another story and thank you for allowing me to be there.


Hola querido Steem, quiero decirte que me alegro de haberte conocido, eres de esas cosas que al encontrarlas hallas un mundo lleno de oportunidades y beneficios.

Al hallarte encontré un sinfín de historias que a través de ti pude leer, y conseguí sentirme como en casa hablando con amigos y contando historias, Querido Steem quiero que sepas que, así como me has ayudado, ayudas a muchas personas necesitadas y que gracias a un granito de arena son muy felices y afortunadas.

Gracias a ti podemos tener una vida mejor, espero que muchas personas te conozcan, te vivan y hagan de ti su tiempo favorito.

Antes no sabia de ti, no te entendía muy bien, pero con la ayuda de mi novio @josegma96 pude conocerte, tal vez aun no te entienda del todo pues poco a poco sigo buscándote, me siento muy entusiasmada por formar parte de ti y seguir creciendo en esta gran familia, espero que pueda cumplir con tus expectativas y ser merecedora de todos tus beneficios.

Haces de mí una nueva persona, una persona creativa, extrovertida a través de mis historias y con sentimientos más nobles al poder expresarlos.

Sin más que agregar mi estimado Steem volveremos a encontrarnos en otra historia y gracias por permitirme estar.

invito a mis amigos a participar. @doubleg8, @gabyjc,@josegma96.

 3 years ago 

hello @maralop16
Your entry to the contest has been approved. Your participation is highly appreciated. I wish you good luck!

 3 years ago 

Thanks !!☺

 3 years ago 

You sound like a romantic person. This is just so admirable and pleasant to read.

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