Steeming Community Contest | Theme: "Human Health" by @luckydrums

in Steeming Community3 years ago (edited)


I really never understood these sayings "health is wealth" and " you don't know what you have until you lose it", not until I faced series of issues and challenges that threatened my mental well-being.
I had only regarded the saying to include only bodily (physical) health, I didn't really pay attention to my mind health and I thought I only would not function optimally if I was physically incapacitated or ill, but I just realized the state of the mind(mind health) was just as important as the state of the body and if not in good condition would affect every area of our being.


Mind health is a balanced mental and emotional state which allows a person to be productivesource

I came to realise how important our mind(mental) health is some years back. Before then I had been in some sort of depression, I was weakened and almost hopeless, it seemed as if the world was crashing on me , nothing I did was working . I couldn't secure admission into college even after so many trials, and even if I did , I still won't be able to pay the fees because my parents couldn't afford it at that time , I didn't even have a good job and couldn't afford good stuffs like mobile phones , games etc like my friends, plus my work was so stressful and my boss was overbearing. All these thoughts nearly drove me crazy and weighed me down, it was as if the world was against me. Most of my friends were now in college, and the rest of them seem to be doing better than me, they all had good relationships but I was always unlucky with the girls, I always saw their pictures on different social media platforms and that even depressed me the more, I felt I wasn't good looking and muscular that's why the females never gave me attention, it made me have low confidence . I always felt dejected when i would gather with all my friends and all they talked about was college, their new phones and their girl friends, I didn't have any of these so I could barely contribute to the discussions. I would feel terrible and inferior, the worst was the fact that I was discriminated by some of my friends, they said I was no longer in their class. I cried sometimes in my room and sometimes wished I was never born


my mind health was in a bad condition and it affected even my physical and spiritual health, I then realized that the physical mind and spiritual health were connected. everything in my life came to a halt, I was tired of everything, I became thin, pale and looked really sickly. I always looked shabby and raggedy , I had lost interest in everything and because I was always struggling to do my job, I eventually got sacked . All I wanted to do was just sleep and forget the pains but I always woke up to those bad feelings. I couldn't even go to church anymore, I had distanced myself from every spiritual activity and exercise, things was just terrible.


Things even got worse ,my mind health kept on depreciating and I felt like I was going insane. I now cried every night,I couldn't just take it anymore so i decided to share my pain with an uncle, he saw how ruined I was and felt pity for me.


He took me through some processes and action that healed me;
He first took me to the hospital and got me some drugs. He made sure I always ate well before I took the drugs ,it helped me relax. He advised me and told me some of his experiences , he told me I'd be fine and said I should just love myself and accept what I cannot change, he said hurting myself wouldn't make things better .
He knew I loved playing drums, he said I needed to start doing what I love so he made me join a musical band and it really helped. I really love music especially playing drums, it made me happy. He always kept in touch and asked me how I was feeling, some days he would come and take me to the football pitch, we played football together and did other rigorous exercises. I got really obsessed and committed to the music band , they were so nice , loving and caring. we had different tours that took me outside the state, it was really an awesome experience. I didn't even know when I had recovered and when all the pains had left.


l learnt to take care of my mental (mind) health so I won't fall into that terrible condition a second time. I cut down on social media, I now do what I love and stay with people that make me feel good, I seek help if I'm in distress, I accept who I am and never again wish I was like anyone, I still go for sports with my uncle , it's really refreshing and makes me elated. My new lifestyle has turned me into a bright and happy fellow.


I am so happy I overcame that situation , it was really a terrible experience and wouldn't wish that for anyone . Although I may not have so much , I'm so happy my mind is at peace, it just feels like I have everything. It's really important that we take care of our mental (mind health) as much as we take care of our physical health because indeed health is wealth and you wouldn't know the how lucky you are to have a healthy mind until you experience depression. Your mental (mind) health is really important.

I invite my friends @zekea, @stepsbyelven,@omarion1 and @sammypoet to share their experiences. I delegated 30% of the payout of this post to @steemingcuration

Special thanks to the steemingcommunity , @steemingcuration , @fabio2614 for this wonderful contest, it's really nice to share our experience with each other. I love you all.

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

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1. set 30% post payout to steemingcuration
2. steemexclusive
3. posted at Steeming Community
4. at least 300 words
5. used of own photos or with source
6. contest post resteemed
7. commented the post link
8. invited at least 3 friends
9. tags used

Thank you so much for joining this contest. I wish you good luck!

 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your experience with us,I really appreciate. Mental health is as important as physical health.

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