in Steeming Community4 years ago



The move made by God the Father to anoint His Son Jesus in His redemptive work, with the oil of gladness above His fellows. This was a move necessitated by what Jesus loved. Jesus loved righteousness and hated iniquity; as a result of which, God moved to anoint Him:

“therefore God, even Thy God, hath anointed Thee….”.

God cannot stand the thrust of true love emanating from the hearts of all true men and women of God. A life overwhelmed by the true love of God is a life heaven cannot ignore and it is one upon whom the kingdom of darkness cannot count gain. The devil is at loss in the life of a child of God, whose heart burn with the flame of true love towards God and men. Love is greater than hatred. When true love is in place, God is exalted and the devil and his works suffer.
The way God gets moved by our love for Him; He expects us also to be moved by His love for us. The Bible says in 2Corinthains 5:14 –

“For the love of Christ constraineth us ….”

life ruled by the love of God is a life constrained and restrained within the confines of God’s loving Word and ordinances. We love God because He first loved us. The impartation of God’s love is what enables you to make impact in the world in which you dwell. When you are truly imparted by God’s love, you cannot help but lay all upon the altar of sacrifice, proclaiming –

“For me to live is Christ” (Philipians 1:21).


When you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the love of God; the whole of your being is moved unto true devotion towards God. in the words of the song writer – “Love so amazing so divine; demands my soul, my life, my all”. Love is a mover any day. The level of your devotion revolves around the love of God you allow to overwhelm you. There is no heart that cannot be moved by God’s love; it all lies in our yeildedness to His love.

The type of love that moves God is compelling. It compels you to love righteousness and hate iniquity in all its forms and ramifications. You have to come to a personal hatred for sin; not just because God forbids it for you, but because you hate it and you seek to have nothing to do with it in any way. If like Eve in the garden of Eden; there is still anything you like about it; that bit will war against the love of God in your heart and you can enjoy God’s favorable response.


Thank you so much.. this wonderful, feel free to send me a dm each time you make posts about God... Bless you!

God is love and is the fulfillment of all laws. As children of God, we are people of love. That's our life.

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