PERSEVERANCE By @iddy/30% payout to @steemingcuration

in Steeming Community3 years ago


I hope you are great and safe,as for me,I am okay. I am very delighted to see a contest that has to do with perseverance. Thanks to the admin of this wonderful community for organizing such an interesting contest. I want to begin with definition of perseverance and the view many have of perseverance before sharing my personal experience as regards perseverance.


Perseverance is defined as the state of having firm or steady hold to some purpose, state, or undertaking regardless of obstacles or setbacks. This means continuing resolutely in the face of misfortune, being tenacious, not giving up. An important part of it is the ability to cope with the inevitable setbacks.



PERSEVERANCE has become a rare attribute now a days. Many in the world today believe that being successful has more to do with being in the right place at the right time than it does with perseverance because of what the media promotes, the media is saturated with slogans that make one to believe that almost anything he wants can be had with just a minimum of effort and just a little more money or connection,so to speak. Sad to say,in this part of the world, the belief of putting in a minimum effort and more money (Tip) to gain admission into the university has beclouded majority of teenagers who are seeking admission into the university.


First experience:
It was my dream to gain admission into institution of higher learning, but it wasn't easy. I am a hard working personality right from inception,I studied hard in preparation for Joint admission and matriculation board examination. Sad to speak,I didn't gain admission on my first sitting. I was so devastated,I asked myself series of questions like am I too dull,is the belief of putting in a minimum effort and more money (Tip) to gain admission into the university true? If the answer to the later question was true,I would not further my education because my family could not have afforded that. But I didn't give up on my dream,I applied for the examination the second time. This time I studied harder than I did in previous time,but sadly,I didn't still gain admission into institution of higher learning,I nearly gave up because to me it was as if I wasn't intelligent or I wasn't given the score I merited. I spoke with an experience lecturer about what I was passing through,he gave me practical advices, which one of them was time management in the examination hall. I applied for the examination the third time, this time I applied the advices he gave me,I started preparation a year to the examination,and I am happy to tell you that I gained admission on my third sitting. I am a graduate today because I persevered,I didn't give up on my dream.


Second Experience:
I have been having frequent cases of sickness. One being cold, this implies having catarrh most times,and difficulty in breathing at times. After medical diagnosis,the doctor suggested that I should not expose myself to cold,I should wear cardigan on regular basis,I should be bathing warm water,he prescribed medicines for me. You will agree with me that doing all those things I mentioned,not even for weeks, but for years could be tiresome. There were times I did not do them,and I fell sick. I later realized that I had to put those suggestions from the doctor to practice if I needed to live,so I became consistent. I have being doing that since 2006, making it fifteen years now. I am alive today out of God's mercy,and because I didn't give up on life,I persevered in practicing medical suggestions, I am enduring.


I will also like to share with you dear friends things that can help us persevere.


The first step to be taken for persevering in a given course is to set worthwhile goals that are attainable. The next step after Identifying goals is to analyze how to go about reaching the goals. Bear in mind that those who are successful understand that if they want something, they have to take all the necessary steps to getting it. Your having a clear understanding of all the necessary steps you need to take to achieve what you want will help keep you focused.

The third aspect of perseverance which is very essential is consistent action. Moderation and being consistent over time produce significant results. I am happy to tell you that my cases of sickness have reduced because I was consistent with my medication and I am still consistent. I gained admission because I was consistent.


Perseverance is a very essential attribute to be cultivated. To persevere in a choosen course,we have to set worthwhile goals that are attainable, analyze how to go about reaching the goals and take consistent actions.

Thank you!

My dear friends,@gracyakan, @ubongudofot and @vickydear participate in this contest, accept my warm invitation.



Here is my introductory post


This is nice, Good to be perseverance...i'll participate in this contest, thanks for the invite.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Do participate,I am looking forward to reading your write up.

 3 years ago 

I really enjoyed your write up, perseverance is vital to us I wish you success

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

Great story, you must feel very proud of what you were able to achieve and I am really happy to read these kinds of achievements.

 3 years ago 

This post has already been voted.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much,I really appreciate.

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