Looking for Contests and Challenges Organizers

in Steeming Community4 years ago (edited)

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I've been missing many days for the diary post due to time constraints. Guess I'm just not so good at keeping my diary. But to support this contest I will keep writing whenever I can. You all should keep writing your diary too, it is very low barrier entry to earn in steemit. You don't have to have the journalism level skills to get reward for your post on steemit. Think about it, who will want to pay you on Facebook about you posting on what did you have for breakfast or lunch or dinner or how you hangout with your friends or how you get through your day? Only on steemit. Maybe there's a day you didn't get a visit by the steemcurator01 but still if you keep posting eventually the curators will come to your post. Don't forget to comment on others' post too whenever you have a chance to do so. Steem Blockchain is just like any other family home or country out there, it's a virtual place where everyone socializing with each other. As in the outside real world, we should try our best to make ourselves useful as possible to the society/community where we live. Contribute whatever skills or knowledge we have to the community that we are in. Try our best to give and contribute instead of just take and just only take from the community. If you don't know how to help, please find a way how you can help contribute the community in any way. Maybe spread about steemit to the outside world on twitter or your other social medias? That's one form of contributions too. Treat steem blockchain like your family home and it will treat you the same too.

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I'm thinking of some ideas for steem promotional. Last time I saw there is the effect of dogecoin promotional on Tiktok. Its not ideal but we can see how effective that type of promotion is. We should definitely skip the part that "lets all get rich" and make it "share your lifestyle and earn steem" line. Most of the generation Z or Zoomers we call them hang out on that platform. Instagram version of tiktok, REELS also great place to do #steemitchallenges

I have 2 ideas in mind but I have not enough time resource allocate for it, I can allocate STEEM token as a prize but I need someone to organize this.
First is Steemit Logo Challenges where steemian can participate by holding steemit logo/printed or you create it yourself /be creative then holding it or pretend like you are ambassadors brand of steemit. Actually all steemian are ambassador of steemit when you telling people about steemit. Then post it on TikTok or REELS of Instagram. Please put words like "share your lifestyle on steemit and earn steem token" or any other phrase that promoting steem. Then use tag #steemitchallenge #steem #steemit on your post. Then other steemian who participating on the challenge will do the duet with your videos or they can start their own videos too. We will compile all of the entries to one video and make it as one of our promotional video.


Second is "Mr & Miss Steemit"
We all know that lovely human can easily captures peoples attention. I saw lot of lovely and good looking steemian on steemit. We should ask them to help us promoting steemit to outsiders via social media like tiktok, instagram and twitter. They just simply hold steemit logo either print it or drawing it or however they want, then start posting photo of themselves with the logo and put cathcy line like "post and earn on steemit" or any other creative idea on promoting steemit. They can do so with videos they dancing or anything of creativity as long as they telling people about steemit and they should be joining the steem community in here. The best one will win the prize and hold the Mr Steemit or Miss Steemit title. Maybe we should ask Steemit Team to send them their pack of Steemit t-shirts as a prize too.

Let me know if any of you steemian would like to organize these contests/challenges. I have @fendit @belenguerra and @alexmove and @antorv in mind if they willing to organize this challenge. Other steemian can step forward to help too if you want.

Sponsorship prize on these contests/challenges are most welcome and appreciated! 😃

GIF by ciska


Hi, dear @cryptokannon and all steem colleagues )
Just yesterday I was planning to try to organize some Bouts-Rimés contest on Steemit, as poetry and literature are really my spheres) But I thought I'd do that after the Diary Game (to collect more tokens for that in case I don't find any sponsors, and to prepare the rhymes). But that's something not connected with what you suggested ) So, about your suggestions.

Well, your ideas are very cool. But. I always have BUT))) It may not work with my social media friends if I try to promote Steemit right now. Here are the reasons:

  • My Steemit account is too fresh, I'm only 42 days here. Looks like I can't know much cuz I'm a newby (ppl will think so)
  • I was telling about Steemit to at least 10 ppl personally. All of them said approximately same: "inform us when you can receive at least $100 monthly, then we'll ask you the details about the platform". The thing is I'm here because I love to write, and some token rewards are just pleasant benefits. But I don't know the same ppl as me(( Other ones will be interested to write only if I show them some defined income they'll receive. Sad but true… So, while I have not much in my wallet, I can't make ppl get interested.
  • Just a few days ago a gigantic financial pyramid was shut down in Ukraine. And people are extra careful these days, don’t wanna start sth not sure and new connected with money.

Nevertheless I am not ready to launch a promo campaign for Steemit in my own social media, I can help to do any organization work for contests:

  • Check participants' posts and give them points, make participants score list
  • Write the recommendations and ideas for creative photos with steem logo for those who don't know what to do
  • Help with translations to Ukrainian / Russian
  • I can write few kinds of contests mechanics also (based on your ideas, of course).

The first idea is closer to me, to tell the truth.

 4 years ago 

@antorv thank you for your feedback I appreciate it. As in my post, the rewards for our post in steemit is like a bonus. If we compare it to other social media out there, on steemit you most likely get a chance to get something out of your posting than if you post on other social media out there.
As for people that expect you to get at least 100$ monthly right after they start here without putting any money or invest in steem blockchain, that's almost impossible but still possible.
Steem Blockchain was design based on delegated proof of stake, or in regular words, how much you earn here depends on how much money you put in and how good you can influence those with big steem power on steem to support your content if your plan is just to earn steem with creating content only.
I understand if you don't want to promote steemit heavily on your own social media. But it's not hurt to share what we all in steem community here doing on our social media as this proves that we enjoy doing what we doing in this platform and this platform is an opportunity to build a community and share your passion or hobby and you might get reward in return.
We should think of selling points for promotion, maybe create content and get paid for it sounds too good to be true and people might get frustrated if they didn't get what they expected here.
We are not forcing people to join us, we just promoting what we are doing here.

You are totally right!
But, I know, if I share some quality information on my social media (with explanation, proves, and so on), and do it once or twice, it'll have more effect than if I was posting every day.
It's like selling Avon or Oriflame (or Amway, whatever): if to post about it every day, people get annoyed and no one orders. But if to post once a month, showing some useful info, perheps, one finds clients.
And the biggest and most effective work is personal communication: if we drink beer with a friend and I tell about Steemit, and show my account, that person will be much more interested than if he/ she got known about steemit from my instagram. I belive so.

I think the best if I advertise kinda powerful account of my own. Then people will want the same, might get interested.

My plan is to wait until the end of the Diary Game and then to see what happens, how can I invite ppl to Steemit.

But, as I said, I'm absolutly ready to help with your contests organizing.

 4 years ago 

@antorv I have checked your account on https://steemworld.org/@antorv you actually have earned more than 100$ worth of steem already for the past 30days, 180$ worth of steem and SBD to be exact.. you can show that numbers to those people already 😄

just SP for them is same as Jesus Christ )))
well, I have a plan, but no hurry🤝

Hi @cryptokannon! Thanks for the mention! I'm interested!! It's a great contribution and challenge for me too. It would be great to do it with another steemian, just in case of doubts or time constrains too. Should I only need to guide the contest? I don't need to create content in tik tok, right?

 4 years ago 

@belenguerra great that nice if you can help organize this. Which one do you want to help with? You can participate in the contest too as a sample of what the contest/challenge expects from participants. Lets see if other steemian want to help organize this, we want to reach as many participants as possible, from all over the world and hopefuly some will help do the translation to their own language so more can join

Sure, I don't actually use Tik Tok, that's why I asked the question earlier. And I've been promoting some of my posts on Facebook and Twitter, but those that are mainly travel-related, which is what I use those two social networks for. And honestly I haven't had success in the likes or comments.

I share with @antorv in terms of inexperience in this platform, that is why I said to work together, between 2 or 3, to be able to support and guide each other. But in relation to my ability to influence people around me on Steemit, the exact same thing has happened to me. I've talked to about 8 or 10 people, and it seems like a "waste of time" to most.

I'm here because I love photography, travel and writing. And as you say, I also publish these things in other media. Why not try to earn some money from it? I thought.

However, I do get excited about the idea of ​​starting a contest and moderating it. For various reasons, I think it is a good opportunity to make Steemit grow and to grow as a user.

If @fendit and @antorv were to join in some way, we could do it between 3. Or as @fendit says, see if we can attract the writers again.

 4 years ago 

Nice, you all can discuss that in steemingcurators discord for faster and instant discussion, but you all can start a post for discussion on steemit too so others can chip in and contribute more ideas. Just tell about opportunity on steemit but don't need to convince people to join us here.

 4 years ago 

And I too love to help with organizing this contest ..

Guys, what if we create business page for Steemit at least in Fb?
We could write interesting posts for that page altogether. I checked, there are no alive, interesting pages now, only some old ones, with poor content:

For example, we could use a model, that we have at least 7 people in our smm team, and one person creates not more than 1 post a week (but it should be really good quality post). If we have 14 people in our smm team, than we can try to make even 2 posts daily.
Me and my colleagues run Fb page in such a way, and it's really successful (example).

We can start from English content, then add the other languages (if we see success).

Of course, we should solve the problem with money for page's promo. I think steemcurators would help with that. Anyway, we won't need money for the very beginning (first — a lot of content, for person came and got interested with that page).

What do you think, guys? @cryptokannon @belenguerra @fendit @alexmove

Also, I think pre-roll on YouTube could work great! I see some interesting pre-rolls all the time, and click on them (Grammarly service, eco-movements). Of course, to launch a pre-roll costs a kidney LOL

Is there even a marketing or PR department on Steemit?))) May be they'll read this and laugh hard))) But I suggest what I know, with what I work, and what works for another things promo...

 4 years ago 

@antorv that's a good idea to start a facebook page for steemit community too. Shows that there is an active community here. Maybe you can help with moderating that facebook page and coordinate who will post the content in there. All of steem community activities/contests/challenges also should be there to show that we doing something in here to pique others' interest.

Sweet! I'll write a post about it later and try to head hunt for volonteers from different countries. Also, we could ask the steemcurators to announce about Facebook page and ask all the Steemians to subscribe.
I think, few days later after strating a page we could try a contest in here, as you suggested:

  1. Like the Steemit page in Facebook [link]
  2. Make a public post on Facebook, with a Steem logo (or even your creative selfie with a Steem logo), in which you tell your friends about Steemit, its benefits and advantages (not less than 200 words, in a language your facebook friends speak). Tag the Steemit Fb-page in your post.
  3. Enter the contest by pasting the link to your Fb-post under the contest post on Steemit.
    Winners can be rewarded with tokens — 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places + 1 winner can be randomly determined.
    Well, the details can be disscussed later, it's just a brief.
    Do I think the right way?
 4 years ago 

@antorv that sound great. Just lay everything out and launch, we can always change and tweak it along the way.

then working on that already )

Hey @cryptokannon! Thank you for taking me into account for this, it'd be really nice to help Steemit grow!

I'd love to help, but as @antorv said, I feel much more confident in contests for writing skills and stuff! So if we were given the chance of organizing something like that and really encourage people to develop their writing, I think it'd be great. I've been told that all the writing community has moved to Hive, so why not try to bring it back by encouraging writing?

Anyways, I'd love to help, so if @belenguerra is also willing to help with the contests, we can work something out! :)

 4 years ago 

I feel much more confident in contests for writing skills and stuff! So if we were given the chance of organizing something like that and really encourage people to develop their writing, I think it'd be great. I

@fendit nice just do it, start a community for that, and moderate/coordinate the community, ask others to join. Just start to organize contests/challenges/initiatives and of course, the steem community would gladly want to help in term of prize/sponsorship. Also, steem blockchain has 21 top witnesses elected by the community, who will gladly support the community activities. Just ask them nicely to follow your curation trail for upvoting any participants on your community contests/activities.

Will do so! Thank you @cryptokannon for encouraging us!! 🥰
@belenguerra @antorv, feel like being part of a new writing community? If you, are you in discord? So that we can sort the details out!

 4 years ago 

@fendit I will send 3 steem the fee to create a community to you shortly.

Thank you Kannon! :) Will work on that right away, hopefully it'll attract other writers as well!

Dear, I think I'll be administrating Facebook page for community, so, for now can't promise to participate actively ) But I'll join, definitely! And will promote your activity <3

Oh sure, don't worry!! I look forward to reading your poems there! :)

Yes I am there too!! Right now I’m in the office. I’m on Instagram, if you want to, we can talk there

Excelente, ahora en un toque te escribo!! :)

Nena, he tenido el lunes más apretujado del año jajaja, justo hoy. No me da la cabeza para leer en inglés, así que mañana voy a ver bien que nos dijo esta chica. O sea, todas jaja, no he leído bien lo que me mandaste vos tampoco y se me desordenaron los msjs. Avanzaron en algo o sigue medio en la nada? Leí lo del grupo de Face de la chica de Ucrania, me pareció copado. Mañana desde el labuo puedo hablar por Instagram o mail. Sino tipo 16:30 me voy a conectar por acá! Beso!!

Ah olvidate, dia complicado ayer y hoy... ahora en un toquecito te hablo por instagram asi hacemos un mini brainstorming, mientras la voy creando!

I really like his ideas and the way he seeks to promote steemit which I consider to be a family. And I see that you are very sensitive to the family and our daily life. I was telling my daughters @babybothe and @milabp that like you living in Japan you understand our feelings very well and how to express ourselves. Milabp told me that she likes to read a lot and research everything about Asia and that you are a housewife and that you don't have much time there. That I know. So my dear, it's not only about money, but about projecting steemit as a big family that we are, sensitive, supportive, collaborative and respectful. I hope that your project is achieved and with the little that I have I will collaborate.

 4 years ago 

@javina Thank you 😊 just find time whenever you can to contribute to the community. Keep on writing at steemit and support others with commenting like you doing now. Steem on! 😃

Thank you my appeared and respected @cryptokannon

Ide yang sangat cemerlang dalam mempromosikan Steemit.

 4 years ago 

ya harap ramai steemian akan join.

I really like the idea of ​​taking a selfie with the Steemit logo and posting it on social media! This to generate the interest of our circle of friends / followers. This would create a fixation for knowing what Steemit is and with this we could invite more users to be part of the community.

Currently I am recruiting for my part people / close friends who are talented with drawings and / or photography, I do it by saying "Your art on Instagram will have a" Like "and little else, here in steemit you can start generating money with what you like to do the most and all in an organic way. Through my contests I try to encourage them, it is not easy but in the constancy is success.

It has been made difficult for me by the fact that they do not know the first steps to have the account and others. I have even been thinking of making a video that allows new users (Spanish-speaking) to create their account easily and simply.


 4 years ago 

@jacorv nice that is great initiative, let us know your contest/initiative progress. If you're in steemingcurators discord, just ping me there too.

Ok, I'll. Today I think about a challenge, call "Last goals of the year". Try tomorrow, (taking advantage of the beginning of the last quarter of the year) to be able to share the goals we have for this last month, giving weekly or monthly reports on how we are doing each one in their own objective.

What do you think?

 4 years ago 

@jacorv not sure if people want to share their life goals and achievements in public, but just try it out see if people love this. If it's working then just carry on, if not you can always try and change to new one.

I'm going to do the test and share it according to how I have it in mind, I'll tag you so you can see it and give me your opinions 😉 Ok?

 4 years ago 

great, looking forward to your contest.

There are great ideas to promote steem on social media. This will bring more and more users to stem.

 4 years ago 

yes, please support the contest when its finally launch 😊

Will try my best

Hi @cryptokannon I am so excited about such a beautiful contest.I will definitely participate in it.Thanks @cryptokannon for launching this contest.

 4 years ago 

yes please join when the announcement of the contest/challenge been posted. 😃

Greetings! Thank you for the mention, I'll read the post again and think about it.

Thanks for the ideas and enthusiasm!


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