Steeming Community Contest | "Your Story 3 / a good father who brought up his son himself after the death of his wife

in Steeming Community3 years ago

Steem greetings dear family of the Steeming Community ,I greet you all and wish you all a happy fathers day .I want to thank @fabio2614 for initiating this beautiful Contest and I'm happy to be a participant .my story goes thus 👇

mr and mrs johnson
Once upon a time ,there live a happy family of Mr and Mrs Johnson who were Maried for 5years without a baby.they tried all what they could do to have a baby to no avail . despite not having a ,they still love them Selfs with no issues.but Mr Johnson's mom tried all what she could do so that mr Johnson should accused his wife of not giving him a child and eventually drive the wife and look for another one but Mr Johnson always rebukes her his mom because he do so love his wife wife so dearly .
For there is a saying that

What God has put asunder let no man seperated

So Mr Johnson always trusted God and he with his wife prayed and fasted on several occasions for fruits of the womb and behold the almighty God they prayed for answered🙏 their prayer as the wife became pregnant.on the day of the delivery,Mr Johnson wasn't around as he had gone travel to buy his business things in Dubai since he was a rich hardwooking and a successful business man .so his mom and the house help assisted her to the was hard as the doctors tried all what they could do for safe delivery of Mr Johnson's baby but failed as they finally did the delivery through operation and eventually lost the wife during the process 🤦😭but the baby's life was safed 🙏

Mr Johnson' s baby

So Mr Johnson heard the news as he has lost his wife that he loved most on earth and lamented ,he left Dubai emmidiatly and return to the country without even finishing up his business transactions.he cried and morned his loving wife on daily basis .As time and days went ahead, his mom suggested that Mr Johnson should look for a new wife so that she could take good care of him including his bouncing baby boy Maxuel but due to the love Mr Johnson had for his late Wife ,he refused his mom's proposal and decided to bring up the baby him self .so his mom was angry and left his son's house back to her husband's house,while going she took along the house help thinking mr Johnson will need help and eventually call for them one day

So due to all the ups and downs ,Maxuel was never breastfeeded as his dad mr Johnson gave him Milk throughout 9months until he was now able to eat some light food .

Mr Johnson will Clean his son's napkins and dresses and also cook then feed his son since he had vowed not to married any woman again because of the eternal love for his late Wife .

Days were going as Maxeel was was getting matured ,his dad will carry him and go wit him at his business place and be with him the whole day there with the impression his son will become a success business man one day and inherit all his properties

Maxuel had now reached school age as he started his Primary school program ,he was so brilliant in school and back at home,he will help his dad in everything his dad does like cleaning the house , watching the dishes, cooking and so on .they will have fun together and sleep off

Maxuel helping his dad

Mr Johnson tried all his possible best to bring up his son in a Godly way as he always take his son to church and also teached him about morals and how how to be of good morals to the society.

Mr Johnson and the son loved each other in a way as Maxuel was growing older and older ,he graduated from the University and began managing some of his dad's businesses since his dad wasn't longer having the energy to be manage all the business him self.since he(Maxuel) studied businesses administration ,he was so Intelligent in a way he improved all his Dad's businesses strategies and wilden his dad's business company .due to this effect,his dad was very proud of his son as he transfered all his properties to his son since he was already old .

Good news came as Maxuel finally got married to his darling wife Glory and they lived together happily after .

I will end here by inviting @noelamontana ,@vio0000 , @theobass ,@darrellbass and @njiclinton to com and participate in this beautiful Contest

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

Helloo, It is Alejandro. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

Notes: none.

 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

wow nice story. Did the father remain unmarried?

Your entry has been approved. Your participation is highly appreciated. I wish you good luck!

Yeah he remain unmarried when his wife died, I think I mentioned it on the story that he never got married after ward

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