THE DAIRY GAME: Tuesday 23/11/2021

in Steeming Community3 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians, this is my fifth diary post

How I spent my day.

My alarm woke me up this morning at 5:30am, I said my prayers, prepared and left for work. Had some things to deal with so I left home a little late. Getting vehicle takes longer time and one gets to encounter more traffic jams if one leaves home late, so today that was my case , after standing for some time at the road , I finally got a bus. The journey to work wasn't so smooth, it was from one driver-passenger quarrel to another, at a point the driver stopped the bus to fight with one passenger, it was a gory sight, I wondered why two mature people will choose to behave like kids. I was keeping my peace until the trouble got to me, it actually takes grace of God to overcome some certain things.
When I got to my bus stop I alighted and continued my journey, stopped at the roadside food vendor to buy food.


At work

Got to work few minutes to nine, everywhere was still calm so I went to change to my uniform, ate and got ready for the days work. Last week, I completed my posting in antenatal /gynaecology clinic, started obstetrics and gynaecology theater posting yesterday, yesterday we had only one myomectomy, but today we had five myomectomy and three caesarian sections, the first myomectomy started at 10:30am, it was quite a stressful day as three operations were going on simultaneously and I was circulating for the three. All the operations were successful to the glory of God. Around 4pm the last Caesarian section was going on, I handed over to the evening shift nurse and left the hospital for home.


Got home few minutes to six ,rested a little ,took dinner, did some house chores, refreshed up, logged into steemit and noticed my achievement2 hasn't been verified yet, I decided to post my diary before finally retiring for the day.

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Thank you

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I'm interested, I've commented on the post link

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