THE DAIRY GAME: Thursday 11/11/2021

in Steeming Community3 years ago
Hi Steemians, welcome to my second diary post

How I spent my day

Woke up this morning refreshed, said my morning prayers and prepared for work. It was cloudy and obvious it was going to rain, I was lucky to board a vehicle before the heavy downpour began, in few minutes everywhere was flooded.
The rainfall/flood increased traffic jam and kept people on the road for hours, but then staying inside the bus was safer than coming down , because coming down from the bus meant entering the flood and getting drenched, but people came down anyway because we had our various destinations and had to continue our journey amidst the heavy rain.
When I got to my bus stop I came down, was scared of going through the flood but I had to there was no other option.

At the my ward

Got to the hospital and noticed the clinic was still empty, few women were present.
Changed into my uniform and got ready for work.
Minutes later the nurse in charge of my unit started the health talk for the few women available. Everyone was cold so the health talk wasn't as interesting as it used to be.
After that, work started proper, by this time the rain had stopped and more women came to the clinic, everywhere became filled though not as it used to be. They were all attended to.


Going home

After the day's work we left for our various homes. On my way home I noticed everywhere was dry and looked like nothing happened in the morning.
The journey home was calm, until the bus conductor asked a passenger to pay, and she told him she paid the other conductor ( there was change of driver and conductor in between journey) the second conductor insisted she must pay him but the woman persisted, other passengers had to intervene to calm the situation. Got to my bus stop and alighted.
Stopped at a super market to get some things I need and then went home.

At home

Got home, rested, did some house chores, had dinner and I decided to write my diary and post on steemit before retiring for the day.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67978.59
ETH 3270.89
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65