Earnings by farming.

in Steeming Community2 years ago

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In the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala has given many principled and urgent instructions regarding agriculture regarding the mention of one's own and grace towards human beings.

Allah has made the earth and the land capable of producing and producing crops. He made the bed, the floor, a great blessing of Allah for its creation. It is one's duty to remember the value of the gift and to understand its value.

Allah has made the earth a bed and a floor for you, so that you may walk on the open path above it.

He made the land for the creation. It contains fruits, date palms, coverings, grains and flowers. Which then of the bounties of Allah will you deny?

He sends down water in the form of rain, and sends down rivers and canals, with which He revives the dead land.

He has rained water from above. Later with its help we have produced all kinds of plants, herbs etc.

It is the duty of man to look at his food - to think. We rained water as needed. Later I made the land wonderfully long and produced grains, grapes and vegetables in it. God sends the wind as a herald. With its help the clouds move and the plants bear fruit.

And We have made the land wide, and in it We have raised firm mountains, and in it We have produced everything in a well-planned and moderate manner. And We have made your livelihood for those for whom you do not provide. And the stock of every thing is reserved for us, we provide from it a known amount. We send the wind with a load of fruit. Then We send down water (rain) from above, and We moisten it with it. The new ones could no longer store the collection.

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