in Shady Writing5 years ago (edited)


I must be the corpse that revives only with faith,
that is renewed latent when it no longer throbs,
that ceases to be when being immense humbles itself,
Prelude to a pain because one day it ends.

They play with me and let me win,
lost hobbies in the rules of the game,
those that are modified according to the player
and when I think the beginnings are over, I restart the game.

I fell into your networks and I love not to save myself,
even when sometimes you live and other times they issue your date,
date that sometimes does not matter when you cease to exist
and exist that gives the important meaning to return to you.

No scientist managed to specify your origin,
origin that contains the formula only in your name,
because LOVE call you when neither phone answer
and we are the survivors of this blessed temptation.

That something else with a more meaningless sense could be my muse, if it's not love...

This is my participation to New Nonsense Writing Contest by @rycharde. If you need see the rules press here.

Discord: DarkFemme#3243
Telegram: @DarkFemme

All separators, images and the sign are my own.
Original content will be posting in other networks with the same username.


@darkfemme, These words are flowing with it's own definition. When we write out our Thoughts, Imagination and Emotions, sometimes end result is moving one. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very encouraging
Thank you for your comment ... Bless you too

Welcome and thank you so much. 🙂

Hi @darkfemme, funny that @chireerocks commented as I'd like to say the same as I said to him.
Being so close to the deadline means very little time for others to read this before the voting. So, may I suggest I add this to the next round, starting Friday? I have already upvoted and resteemed it, but I think will get more exposure. :-)

Well... its the first time that i read about you or @chireerocks.
My friends tell me about this contest just 2am to this Sunday loool

This style of poetry is hard for me, very crazy.

I will trying, in the next time, posting early... i try XD

Well... is a pleasure take part a crazy contest, its so new and original... but... many work for my mind loool

Tks for reading my madness poetry XD

Hi, have added this entry to the Nonsense Contest here.
You are obviously free to submit a 2nd entry if you wish.
Thanks again!

hi, @rycharde Its ready my participation to this 2nd contest... Tks for your reminder!

and the link is?....
of course, I can look for it!

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