Introduction to Renewable Energy and why we need it now more than ever.

in Zero to Infinity2 years ago

Burning of fossil fuel as post a great danger to our planet which can one day affect our ever existence. The carbon dioxide our cars produce is one of the major cause of global warming. This is due to the greenhouse effect from increased carbon dioxide (C02) production. I will briefly explain what greenhouse effect is below.

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Greenhouse effect is a situation where excess C02 created from earth moves to the atmosphere and form a blanket which traps the sun heat energy and this form a kind of atmospheric bubble which warm our planet including the oceans.

This above explanation may seems like a little problem which can be fix easily but this problem doesn’t just occur with a decade but the reality is since when we start producing in masses (mass production) during the industry revolution, this problem has been in existence.

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The good news is that we have an alternate solution to this problem and that is renewable energy. Renewable energy is usually refer to as clean energy and can be define as energy we see everywhere around our environment which can be naturally replenished within a short period of time. There are researcher who are always looking for ways we can fully utilize our renewable energy at its full potential and we keep on making new discovery about renewable energy which can save our planet in the nearness future.

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Major Sources of Renewable energy

These sources of energy is commonly seen within our environment. There are many sources of renewable energy but I will only be explaining some major sources.

-Solar energy: This is the most common source of renewable energy and it gotten through harnessing the energy from the sun. We have been using solar energy for thousands of years in food processing such as sun drying. We mostly use solar energy for the generation of electricity with the use of solar panel to trap the sun ray.

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-Wind energy: A simple way we utilize wind energy is through wind mills. A more modern way we utilize wind energy is through the use of huge turbines which is as tall as skyscrapers to generate electricity. Wind turbine works when wind move the blade of the turbine which feed a generator and electricity is produce. We can see wind turbine in area where wind speed is high.

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-Biomass: This is gotten from plants and animals which include crops, tress and dead wood. When we burn our animal or plant waste they release chemical energy as heat which can be used as biofuel or biogas.

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-Hydropower: This is the major source of clean energy in most part of the world. This uses the force of trapped water through damming a large body of water to form a reservoir and then releasing the water gradually (from high point to low point) to utilize the force of the water to move a turbine to generating electricity.

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-Geothermal: As we know the earth core is extremely hot, so what this source does is to drill well so deep that we will be able to channel hot underground water that has been heater due to the temperature of the earth core to move turbine which is use for electricity generation.

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Some other sources of renewable energy include: Tidal energy, Photovoltaic, Biodiesel, Bioenergy, Ethanol Fuel, Hydroelectricity, Wood, Solar water heating, Concentrated solar power, and many more.

Why we need to make renewable energy our major source of energy.

We human depend on different types of energy to make our lives better and with our ever growing population the demand for energy keep increasing. We have become so use to nonrenewable energy such as burning of oil, coal and natural gas that the idea of renewable energy is relatively new to some people. Our world is in danger due to the emission of C02.

Renewable energy has given us a chance to rewrite these wrong and with researches that is going on to improve our knowledge on how to use these replaceable energy efficiently, this will slowly reduce our dependent on non-renewable energy. We have seen many country in the world that already utilize renewable energy in great amount which supply up to 20% of the country energy consumption.

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Renewable energy has so many advantages over this counterpart (non-renewable) source of energy, an example is energy security which is crucial in economy development. The main advantage non-renewable energy has over renewable energy is that it in abundant and affordable and are easier to produce.

But it does not provide an energy security for example all oil producing company can decide not to sell they oil to you which means you are in trouble but in term of renewable source of energy it everywhere around us. I know we still has a long way to go but we are gradually moving towards total dependent of renewable energy.

Thank you all for reading see you next time.

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