A brief History of of how Electricity was discovered

in Zero to Infinity2 years ago

I am certain most of us cannot imagine our world without electricity we will be in total darkness. We are so use to electricity some people cannot live without it in mostly advance country due to their stable electricity supply.

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In my opinion electricity is human greatest discovery so it a good idea to know who discovered it and give him/her or them the credit they deserved. The problem we are facing now is that no scientist or inventor has been declared the true inventor of electricity so where might this disagreement be coming from, is they no record book pointing at who made this brilliant discovery? While that what we are about to discuss.

Electricity exists as a natural force so that means it not to be invented but discovered. So from what we all believe is that Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity but is this really true? Some scientist and historians do not think so. Benjamin Franklin is a brilliant scientist during his time and he invent some great scientific materials such as Bifocal glasses and it the mid 18 century he pick up interest in electricity.

An image of Benjamin Franklin
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Since before than scientists had little idea about electricity what they known than was to experiment with static electricity. What Benjamin Franklin did was he took the research to another level when we had the idea of positive and negative element. He notices current flow within this element and believed lighting can be generated with this discovery.

With this information, Benjamin conducted the kite experiment to prove lighting was a form of electricity. What he did was he tied a metal on a kite to act as a conductor and flew that kite in the rain when they was thunderstorm. Just as he expected the experiment was successful because the storm clouds transferred charges to the kite and he almost got injured during the experiment. But he doesn’t rely care since the experiment was successful.

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With this foundation Franklin experiment has laid, scientist began to study electricity and they start to understand how it worked. A top scientist who took after Franklin work is Thomas Edison who patented the electric light bulb in 1978.

A picture of Thomas Edison standing close to his invention
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With what we have discussed above most reader will say yes Benjamin Franklin discovered the electricity but they were record that an English scientist called William Gilbert has established some work which underlined the study of electricity and magnetism. Based on William works another Englishman named Sir Thomas Browne continue the work and more discovery were made about electricity.

Ancient antique dating back to 1936, a clay pot to be specific was discovered and this shown an evidence of first batteries were use and it was invented since 2,000 years ago. What was seen in the clay pot was a copper plates, an iron rod and tin alloy. This pot may have been use to create an electric current by just filling the pot with an acidic solution such as vinegar. Although they is no clear evidence this is true but as a curious been we are, it possible this discovery is true.

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Even with the various research I did under this topic I cannot clearly say this is who discovered electricity but what I know is each scientist mentioned above play a key role in what serves as a life saver to us today. The acceptance of electricity was not first welcome by some citizen due to the danger it pose but we have been able to advance it development and made it safer than ever before.

Thank you all for reading. Always stay safe.

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