Isolation - Meaning and Mechanisms


Isolation refers to a process in which the population of a species splits into smaller parts or groups, thus hindering the interbreeding of populations isolated from that species and allowing each group to express itself as a species. When an organism is divided into more than two species, they create various barriers and block the path of inter-ethnic hybridization, which is called isolation.

Types of isolation

  • Geographical Isolation

This is a common process of isolation. Geographical Isolation is an Isolation between members of different populations of the same species that can be seen due to geographical constraints like rivers, mountains, seas, oceans, forests, deserts etc.

  • Paleontological Isolation

According to the archaeological concept of an organism, an organism is a descendant of an organism that has always lived in the past. The species of the organism gradually evolved into a new species. If the change is extensive, then the organisms of two different periods are considered as two different species. In this case, time is the cause of the isolation of the organism.

  • Isolation due to distance

The distance can cause organisms to become isolated. Distance insolation is an amazing thing. Sexual reproduction between members of the species is hindered by distance. Birds of the same species, living in different parts of the same continent, differ in colour, shape and nature. Such isolation occurs due to distance.

  • Ecological Isolation

Many species live in the same area, they are called Sympatric Species. The two closely related Sympatric Species are different from each other. Because the environment in the same region may not always be the same. This is ecological isolation.

  • Reproductive Isolation

Reproductive barriers between different closely related members of the population are hindered by various problems in the reproductive excretion process. This results in the production of new species.

  • Weather factors

Differences are observed in the climate of different regions. Variations are often observed in the climate of a particular region. And when different climatic conditions are observed, some changes occur in the animals in terms of different climatic conditions and as a result, new species are created.

  • Physiological isolation

This type of isolation is caused due to various physiological differences in the animal. Some animal species are established depending on such isolation.

Mechanism of Isolation

Most evolutionists divide reproductive isolation into two parts. I will briefly discuss two mechanisms, namely the Postmating Isolation Mechanism and Premating Isolating Mechanism.

  • Postmating Isolation Mechanism

In this process, fertilization occurs and the hybrid zygote is formed but it becomes infertile or weak. After fertilization, the reproductive capacity of hybrids decreases. There is a division of such isolation again.

  • Premating Isolation Mechanism

In such an isolation process active reproductive process is interrupted. During breeding, fertilization, zygote etc. are interrupted. There are different parts of such isolation.

  1. Habitual Isolation: In this type of isolation, differences are seen in the habitat of the organism.

  2. Seasonal Isolation: Sexual maturation of the population of the same region can occur in different seasons. Then free reproduction is hindered.

  3. Mechanical Isolation: This type of isolation is caused due to various inconsistencies in the genitals.

Reference - Genetic Ecology Part B

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