How Technologies improve our lives? || 10% payout to @zero-to-infinity

in Zero to Infinity2 years ago

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Today my post is related to how Technologies improve our lives, lifestyle and Use of Technologies in our daily life.


So let's start our Topic,

How Technologies improve our lives

Most of people and i think all people's lives in the world use Technologies every day that make easier our lifestyle.

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First of all we discuss about some main technologies that is used daily in our life.

Technology include pencils, bikes, cars, daily food and one of the most famous invention is light, Bulbs which we can use these technologies in our daily life. In which some invention doesn't require electricity.

Because technologies depend on the Human need that may they use on electricity or without.

  • The these were changes with the change of time. For example; in these days we cook food of fireplace and we need heavy pan which is capable to fireplace. So heavy pan is the invention which make our cooking easy .
  • Same like this, today people's also used plastic dishes to cook food in microwaves ovens.
    Microwaves ovens is the best technology for cooking and baking.


Now I will meet you people's needs Technologies:
As you know that technologies changes with the time with need of people's increase.

Many years ago, 1800s, long distance communication could take in minutes,it takes weeks and months by later. The need of communication, developed a faster communication technology that is called Mobile Phone and this Technology have improved with the change of time now it's called Smart phone.

By this technology we can talk long distance communication in minutes and seconds.


Positive Impact:
The benefits of the technology is fill the need of life with time.
We can complete our work by this technology in few times. Our life is incomplete with help of monster Technology.
We can save our time by using these technologies. It can save our time.

Negative Impacts:
The Risk are always depend on technology.
In these impacts, it's may be include change ot technology due to some problems.
Technology have badly impact on the environment.
For example; car is the invention but it have negative impact on Environment. It is big cause air Pollution

Now this is end of my post, if everyone have questions about this post,he will ask me in comments box. I hope you really love this post.


Special Mention To


@tarpan| @daytona475 |@zmoreno
Best Regards,



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