Club5050 || How's Way Internet Changed our lives?

in Zero to Infinity2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to All Members of Zero to Infinity

I hope will be fine and happily enjoying your life by the grace of God.

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Internet is academic research project was started in 1969. In these days and before internet is the most widely used computer network technology.
This technology was started as a simple ideas. Computers could talk with eachother.
Now this implications changed the way.
By use of this Technology we can communicate any place on world at every time.
Internet is the only technology that became the Global Commercial Network on 1990s.


Today, internet technology is completely different as compared to before. It becomes too much larger and important in our lives than any other is also known social networks.


Today our topic is. How and by how way technology changed our lives.
So let's talk how's way technology changed our lives.



Navigation has changed our lives, before navigation/internet technology we actually had ask for directions, and we learn map to get directions and know how to use map where we want to go. Now in these days all you have mobile phone and if you want to get directions. We open Google map through internet technology to get any direction.


Finding a Job


Before internet technology people were finding jobs from news papers and latter. People's would look for jobs in classified or you get interview through someone knew and get need of job if you have some skills and knowledge. Now, these days we have modern technology we can easily get various app to search in app type of job from internet.




Communication is main and attractive technology. We can communicate with each other people.
Before this modern technology people use latter communication in which they were used pen and paper for communication and envelopes it with stamps and wait for delivered recipient.

This process took Days 10-15 days. Now, in the presence of modern technology here's doesn't matter where you are in the world you can still talk with friends, family and other people's who might be on the other side of world. We can use mobile phone and internet for communication in these days.




Before the invention of Television and mobile phone, peoples were used news papers for the reading world news and information about jobs, scholarships etc. In this paper news are printed on the this paper is called News paper.
Now a days Everyone have mobile phone and modern led to get news and information about huge event in any place on earth.
Say thanks to the Internet Technology.


Learning Skills


Before the invention of internet only way to learn skills like cooking, cricket, hockey, football, painting etc. We were learned these skills from experts man and get regular classes in these skills.

But in the presence internet technology, we just search about any skills which we want to learn and we get it's tutorial easily, that experts upload videos tutorial from any place of world.




Before the invention of internet, people's were wait for favourite episode to paly on Television, and radio, attend wait for people to listening favourite songs and wait it for it's next episode a week.

But in this modern world, people can use internet technology and easily download any episode or songs on mobile or PC.

I hope you like my post. I hope you really loved my post and appreciate to me on this Hardworking.

At the end I would like to say thanks @zmoreno and @daytona475 to support me in my previous post.

Best Regards,


@zmoreno kindly support this post.
I have worked hard to create it.

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