The groundbreaking discovery in 2021 || club100

Scientists are not doing anything for humans One discovery after another is making our lives easier The progress of science did not stop even during the Corona period. Corona's horror, lethality, horror is in people, but the success of scientists in 2021 did not stop. In fact, some groundbreaking events in science have taken place in the year 2021. It is important to keep abreast of recent discoveries and innovations in order to keep up with the ongoing advances in science.



Covid-19 Vaccine: The biggest discovery of this year is related to Corona. The Covid-19 vaccine was discovered in 2021. Of course, the context of this discovery has been created since 2020. But in 2021 it is available in the market. The vaccine came on the market at the end of 2020, but only for emergency use.

Mars research: In February 2021, a landmark event took place in the study of Mars. Alignment between Earth and Mars took place. Which occurs every 28 months. Depending on this cosmic phenomenon, scientists from different countries can be intoxicated with various details and important research on Mars. Many new information comes to hand about the surface of Mars.



James Web Space Telescope: The largest and most powerful James Webb Space Telescope came into the hands of scientists this year. It can monitor about 1 million miles of space!

Original human: A skull fossil was found in China 90 years ago. It was hidden in the hands of a family. They donated it to a museum in 2016. And the results of the research came out in 2021. It is the skull of a species of primitive man. This skull has a large cranium, so that the size of the brain is also quite large. Thick eyebrows, almost square eye sockets.

Crisper in human body: The success of gene editing using Crisper technology inside the human body came this year. The first breakthrough in medicine was in 2020. However, it was editing in the lab by bringing the blood stem cells out of the patient's body. In 2021, scientists have gone one step further and completed the task of gene editing directly on the patient's body. In this way, they have been able to reduce the amount of toxins in the patient's liver as well as restore the sight of a person with a genetic disease in the eye.


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