Tech Review Contest: I review a Bulb!

in Zero to Infinity3 years ago (edited)

Technology is something we can’t do away with. Many things have been. Technology keeps upgrading them and we them useful each and every day. People say one can never follow technology because it keeps evolving every day. Presenting me the chance to be part of this contest I will like to review a technological tool I value the most. It is the bulb.




I come from a village, and I know the essence of light in the evening. Moon light is what we utilize and there are places we can’t pass when night comes. Thanks to the invention of a bulb which reached my village we have seen how beautiful our village is in the evening too.

History of a bulb.

Bulbs were not in use until in 1802 when Humphry Davy inverted the first electric bulb. It was initially powered by battery, and it works until in 1840. British scientist Warren de la Rue enclosed a coiled filament in a vacuum tube and passed electricity through it. It kept developing from the first design until 1878 when Thomas Edison carry out a research to produce the first incandescent lamb. Bulbs then evolved from there and we find them useful till date. There
have been various type which has come from Humphry Davy, and we can refer to him as the Father of bulb.
Reference link:,as%20the%20Electric%20Arc%20lamp.

Warren de la Rue Invention


Importance of bulb

Bulbs have been of use to everybody both in cities and villages. Houses brighten up in the night because of bulbs. These days in my village, there were times you can’t come out at night because of darkness. Thanks to technology in the invention of bulbs, we are grateful. Everywhere brightens up in the evening and we can roam both day and night. Light has made studying too very easy. Those days, students use to attend school with lamps to aid them to learn in the night. Due to the invention of bulbs, it has made learning for students less stressful and we are glad to its invention. Adding to what has been said, bulbs have aided in vision at night. Bulbs replace the sun in the evening.


Light is great and the world needs it. We have the sun in the morning, and we have to get a replacement for it in the evening. Bulbs have helped in replacing the sun in the evening and it’s been great ever since its invention. I can count bulb among the most significant inventions of the world. Darkness is in the world and the bulb helps in minimizing it.

I say a big thank you to Humphry Davy for its idea of invention and those who developed it till today. I am appreciative for its invention.

Have a bulb day!



Bulbs were not in use until in 1802 when Humphry Davy inverted the first electric bulb. It was initially powered by battery, and it works until in 1840. British scientist Warren de la Rue enclosed a coiled filament in a vacuum tube and passed electricity through it. It kept developing from the first design until 1878 when Thomas Edison carry out a research to produce the first incandescent lamb. Bulbs then evolved from there and we find them useful till date. There
have been various type which has come from Humphry Davy, and we can refer to him as the Father of bulb.

include reference link

Thank You for that. I will add that.

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