Substance that promotes the creation of stem cells for our repair.

in Zero to Infinity3 years ago

Substance that promotes the creation of stem cells for our repair.

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Stem cells are cells that have the ability to transform into any cell in the body and that can repair or renew our body as well as make us rejuvenate, these cells are the blocks with which we can build our tissues, build our organs or build our body and The most interesting thing is that there are many studies that prove its effectiveness both in diseases and in objectivity.

Our stem cells can transform into whatever we need, they can repair muscle, they can repair skin, they can repair ligaments, brain, heart and much more, but our cells are adults when they have already differentiated and they already occupy their role, they occupy the role of a cell from the gut mucosa of a neuron or whatever; This happens because even though all our cells have the same DNA, each type of cell expresses a different combination of information.

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The group of information that we have in total our DNA is the same for our entire body, but a biceps muscle cell expresses information very different from that of a neuron in our brain, that is why they are different cells that fulfill different functions, the key of stem cells is that they can still express any information, so they can transform into any type of cell in the body and help us repair damage that we previously thought was impossible to repair.

But what is the problem with the stem cells that we bring with us that are in our body that as we age the levels of stem cells that we have decrease and the usefulness of those stem cells that we keep also decreases, and our body wants to renew itself constantly it needs in fact, the parts of our body that take the longest to renew are completely renewed every 10 to 16 years, such as bones, for example, while other tissues such as the skin or the digestive mucosa are renewed in days, but as As we renew our body, we deplete our reserves of stem cells or those cells continue to exist but lose the ability to repair damage or damaged tissue.

After approximately 25 years of age, the rate of decline in stem cells accelerates a lot, we begin to lose more and more quickly and in our old age we have hundreds or thousands of times fewer stem cells than in our childhood, in addition to the fact that obviously those cells Mothers are less functional they are less able to repair and this is one of the many reasons why our body as we age begins to accumulate damage that it cannot repair.

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But in order to obtain all the benefits that stem cells have to offer us, we need to understand two things. First of all, as you may have noticed, not all stem cells are the same. Using stem cells from my own placenta is not the same as using stem cells. bone marrow stem cells when I am 65 years old and secondly we need to understand how we can increase the number of stem cells in our body or in the specific site that we want to repair.

Once we understand this the obvious question is how do we increase the amount of stem cells in our body, how can we increase them naturally and how can we avoid accumulating damage and renew our tissues, and here the answer varies depending on the type of stem cells I want increase.

If I am an adult and I want to increase my stem cells without any type of injection or invasive treatment, the evidence is clear that we can use colostrum, which is the milk from the first days and is usually well tolerated even by those who are lactose intolerant, for example. Goat colostrum is used and colostrum has been shown to increase a type of stem cells called mesenchymal cells that can transform into more types of cells than those typical of the adult.

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And a studyshowed that the greatest benefit of colostrum was obtained if it was combined with other substances such as algae or turmeric, in fact colostrum and breast milk remain an enigma because they provide not only stem cells, but components such as bacteria that can modify the development of the baby and its organs, with consequences that modify its long-term health.

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And moringaspecifically extracts from the flower, have been shown to increase the same type of stem cells as colostrum and induce the transformation of these stem cells into brain cells, think that you not only want to increase those stem cells but to make those cells comply their function or to repair or renew a tissue in this case the brain.

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And other compounds such as chlorella, which is an algae, or aloe vera, can mobilize stem cells, that is, take them from their origin to the place where they must repair a tissue where they must renew it.

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