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Hello everyone,
Hope you good?? Today I am going to be talking about our environment, climate change to be specific. Over time we have seen reports of our climate varying from time and not in a good way. So today, I will be sharing some light on what climate change is, the causes of climate change, and lastly the effects and problems it poses to we living things in the climate environment.


What is climate change??

Climate change is explained basically as the change in the weather and temperatures in the environment over time. The changes in the weather and temperatures were usually caused by natural occurrences, but when technology and inventions advanced, they also caused climate change through some man-made inventions that are now part of the cause of today's change in weather and temperatures. I will be talking about some of the natural and human-caused activities that are responsible for climate change.

1. Volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are are natural disasters that occur when the earth shoots out a massive amount of lava and other gases into the atmosphere. The gases that come out as a result of this eruption are the causal agents of climate change some of these gases are, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and many other greenhouse gases. These gases take over the atmosphere contaminating the existing gasses and components in the atmosphere hence, changing the weather and temperatures of the environment over time. If the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is plenty, then the climate is going to be changed and this is a result of the volcanic eruption.

2. Imbalance in solar activities.

This is also a natural phenomenon that occurs as a result of the earth orbiting the sun at a distance and in orbit, the earth attempts to regulate the amount of sun rays that hit the earth's surface. So from time to time, the earth is not able rotate properly resulting in a high amount of sun rays hitting the earth's surface, this causes a change in the climate of the earth.

3. Deforestation.

Deforestation is the cutting down of trees for various purposes or to clear spaces for other projects in layman's terms. These acts are performed by human beings for profit and business reasons, but what we ignore is the effect of deforestation, and these effects are the change in the climate. This happens because of the amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, the trees we cut down helps to mitigate the amount of carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere by absorbing it and producing oxygen back into the atmosphere instead. So when we cut down the trees we indirectly increase the amount of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere and this causes climate change.

4. Industralization.

In recent times, industrialization is dominating the world, people are establishing manufacturing industries and equipment which are used for many things, and these industries and equipment that are being used releases harmful gases into the atmosphere. The waste of manufacturing industries contains some chemical compositions that are harmful to the atmosphere and are being released into the atmosphere in different ways like dumping the waste through burning the waste and the smoke polluting the environment. All the chemical gas components result in a change in the climate hence, the change in the weather and temperatures.


The Effects of Climate Change.

1. One major effect that is posed by climate change is high heatwaves and temperature rise. Since the gases released into the atmosphere disrupt the ozone layer, it provides for more sun rays and radiation into the earth's surface hence, the high heatwaves and the temperature rise.

2. Another effect climate change poses is that of health risks to all living organisms. The increase in sun rays due to the disruption of the ozone layer by the gases being released the radiation from the sun rays have adverse health risks to the living organisms on the earth's surface.

3. Climate change also affects the lives in the water bodies that are the fishes and mammals living in them. Due to climate change, the waterbodies get uncomfortable for the living things in them because of the reaction of the heat and radiation caused by the sunrays.

4. Climate change can also lead to droughts. It limits the amount of precipitation that is received in places on the earth's surface from time to time making it challenging for plants to grow well and for humans to get a source of water, and also, climate change could also affect the acidity of the rain making the water harmful to living things.


Climate change is a real issue to the environment we live in, it stand to to affect us deeply in a negative way if we do not try to mitigate and minimize our practices. The earth is one place and we need to take care of it so we have to protect it be avoiding certain practices and improve in others like for example avoid deforestation and rather improve on aforestation to help the environment and may other things we can do to protect our earth and I urge we do our best to protect it for future generations. Thank you for reading through.



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