Benefits of Microbiology to living organisms[10% set to zero-to-infinity]


Hello everyone,
Hope you all are doing good?? Today, am going to talk about the importance of microbiology. Microbiology is a field of science focused on the study of minute organisms of sorts. Microbiology consists of sub-fields or division that ventures into each of the different forms and types of the study of these minute organisms. I will get to the point now by sharing an insight into what microbiology is, the sub-fields or branches of microbiology, and finally the importance of microbiology to the other living organisms on the earth.


What is Microbiology???

Microbiology is a sub-field and a branch of science that deals in the study of tiny or minute organisms, which mostly can only be seen under a microscopic view that is a microscope. The discipline of the research of microorganisms serves as the basis or foundation for the research into ecology, cell biology, and the evolution of microorganisms including how the agent responds to their surrounding environment and the factors around them. Microbiology encompasses a number of sub-fields some of which are, bacteriology, immunology, phycology, parasitology, mycology, and others. But today I am going to be talking in detail about these fields of study.


Branches of Microbiology.


This involves the research into the part of biology that consists of the ecology and genetics and the chemistry of bacteria and any other organisms related to it. Bacteria are small single-celled organisms that are everywhere on this earth and they also play a very important function in our ecosystem. Bacteriology identified and characterized bacteria that are associated with various diseases and has with time and study evolved into the creation of vaccines and antibiotics for various diseases related to the bacteria
A clear example of bacteriology involves the study of the bacteria that exist in human colons and are responsible for the proper digestion of food. Bacteriology is now mostly used for the production of antibiotics and probiotic drugs and the existence of genetic technology has made it possible to program bacteria to make any type of substance.


This branch of microbiology has everything to do with the type of study that is responsible for discovering medicines and cures that solve problems of the immune system in living organisms. The immune system is responsible of protecting living organisms from infections and viruses of any kind. In a situation where the immune system is not functioning well, this makes the living organism prone to those infections and diseases. The immune system is made up of four types and every living organism at a stage in its lifetime had that type of immune system.
The first one is innate immunity.

Innate immunity
With this type of immunity, it is possessed by every living organism from the very first day of its existence. A clear example of this type of immunity is the human skin, for example, the skin serves as a barrier of some sort that prevents germs from entering the body, and in so doing the innate immune system recognizes various different bacteria that are new and harmful to the body and fight against them. So innate immunity represents the basics or the first type of immunology.

Adaptive immunity
This type of immunity gradually develops as the body is exposed to dangerous bacteria or diseases. In cases when a human being is exposed to a disease, the body's immune system adapts to the disease and tries to fight against it. A more viable example of adaptive immunity is in a situation when one recovers from measles and after is protected from measles for their whole life.

Passive immunity
With passive immunity, this type of immunity is not found originally in the body but rather introduced to prevent one from contracting specific diseases from people. One example to further clarify passive immunity is a situation where a baby is given antibiotics to prevent it from contracting a diseases harbored already by its mother.

So immunology studies the immune system to discover the various types of immune system disorders and find cures and medicine for all those disorders.


Virology is a discipline of science that is concerned with the study of the biological structure of viruses and viral diseases and the evolutional and molecular biology of the viruses. Virology can be classified for branches in respect to the host cell they affect. These branches are as follows, animal viruses plant viruses, fungal viruses, and bacteriophages.
the Animal virus, it is a small infectious agent that is not able to multiply itself outside a living organism. Also, the plant virus is also a type of virus that only affects plants and can we deduced from the name but apart from that, the plant viruses are killed by parasites that lack the ability to multiply without a host. Fungal virus, these types of viruses are all over every fungus which are very often symptomless infections. And lastly the Bacteriophages
This branch of virology destroys the host cells. Because this is a type of virus that infects other bacteria.
The main reason for virology as a branch of microbiology is the fact that it studies the various viruses in detail and then finds the cure and vaccines to help people.


Importance of Microbiology.

1. One major importance of Microbiology is the essence it has given to life. It is the basic determinant of our health. Microbiology studies microorganisms which are at the center of all living things as it involves the studying and understanding of human life. Microbiology has envolved to synced with genetic technology of this era making it more fruitful as with the help and use of the technology we can be able to program microbes and bacteria to perform as antibodies to some diseases face by people on this earth.

2. The microbes in the earth performs an important role in the earth. In times of change, these organisms turn to play a big role in our various biochemical process like biodegradation, climate change, biodetoriation and other processes. These microbes can be applied, that is programmed to serve specific purposes for beneficial uses in most of the important area in the lives of living organisms.

3. Microbiology per say has contributed a lot and has been through some scientific breakthroughs like the invention of the vaccine for small pox by Edward Jenner, the discovery of penicillin, the discovery of the cause of chorela, tuberculosis and anthrax and many other discoveries. Microbiology is evolving science and saving peoples life in the process.


Microbiology is one of the most undeniable sciences in today's world which has to led to the discovery of many vaccines and cues for all kinds of diseases and even in recent times covid-19 diseases, with time the issue has been mitigated with the vaccination against covid-19 and we can all testify to how the number of casualties has massively decreased from after the vaccine was developed. So science and microbiology to be specific are important the branch that has a lot more to discover and bandle ahead. Thank you all for reading through.



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