Contest: Garden Photography Week 2, Post flower garden

Hello all the steemians ...

Today I will try to take part in a contest held by steem Bangladesh, the theme is about gardens I have a small garden in front of the house, which I plant with a variety of flowers, including sunflowers, paper flowers, cacti, caladium, and so on.

In addition to beautifying and beautifying my home page, there are also several flower plants that are beneficial to humans. Here are some photos of flowers that I took in my own garden.



Sunflower or in scientific language, it is usually called Helianthus annuus, has the characteristics of a bright yellow crown and large flower heads.

There are several benefits of sunflower, namely that it can produce an oil called sunflower oil which contains lots of nutrients and anti-oxidants which can prevent diabetes, heart disease and cancer and the seeds, which are commonly called watermelons, are often consumed as snacks.

And this flower plant has a special characteristic characteristic of its flowers always facing or leaning towards the sun. Or so-called heliotropism, To be able to grow well, this plant should be planted in fertile and humid soil and sufficient sunlight.



Zinnia or so-called paper flower is a seasonal or chronic plant. And can grow up to 50 cm. And it is easy to grow in dry areas, usually life requires full sun, and some of them can be grown in pots and are usually used for ornamental plants. The color of the flowers usually varies. Red, orange, pink, white, Cherry and gold colors.

And this flower can be useful for humans made as a tea drink, to treat diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke can also control cholesterol in the blood.



Pancratium zylanicum or commonly referred to as rain flowers, belongs to the amaryllidaceae family. This plant height is usually 40 cm to 60 cm Usually the pollination process is assisted by moths. With a characteristic white flower, it has long teeth along the edge of the staminal corona, and with narrow margins.

And it requires full sun for the photosynthesis process. And this flower usually blooms in early May to late June.



Celosia cristata or better known as chicken's comb flower, can grow in tropical climates, can usually be planted and can be easily grown in the yard of a house, with an upright and strong stem which is characterized by flowers in the form of thick fleshy grains and a broad top like a chicken's comb. good at. And has several color variations there are red, purple and yellow

This plant is an annual plant that can only grow a quarter of a year or about 4 months. Requires full sun or partial shade. This plant also has several benefits of being able to stop bleeding, such as nosebleeds, vomiting blood, hemorrhoids, and coughing up blood.



Amarillis flower or the Greeks used to call it amarillis which means splendor or luxury. These plants are often grown in the yard or in pots, and will flower after 4 or 6 weeks, and the flowers can last 5 days to 10 days. And this flower has several useful benefits for humans including being able to treat toothaches, tumors, scabies, lumbago and others.



Ruellia tuberosa or better known as purple golden flower is a wild plant that mostly grows in moist soil and enough water, and the flower produces seeds when exposed to water, it will pop. And this plant needs full sun to live.

And this is the appearance of a small flower garden in my yard, which I have captured this diverse flower.




That is my post, I apologize to all stemians if there are words or my language that are less beautiful when read.

Best regards, @veriardhian

 3 years ago 

All the photographs are really beautiful.

thank you very much @nahidhasan

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