My Daily game || 12.10.2021

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hello friends how are you all hope all is well i am very well by the grace of allah Today I will share daily games among you. I hope everyone will like it.




I woke up this morning and went to pray a little after waking up. After praying, I went to the roof of the house and went to the roof to do some exercise. After exercising for a long time, I came to the room. I came to the room. After freshening up, I went out to have breakfast. After breakfast, I came to the room. I came to the room and did some study in the morning.


Azan of Zuhr is Hall. Then I took a bath. I went to take a bath. I came to the washroom from the wash room. I came to the room. Then I went out with my friends and I went to Khichuri and saw Suryashekhar fall. I came to the room. I came to the room and played games on my mobile for a while.




In the afternoon I went out and chatted with my friends for a while. I remembered the memories of the old days. After you came, I used Facebook for a while, talked to my friend, talked to my parents on the phone, after talking, I came to the room and did the work of estimate and I fell asleep after eating a diary of Steam Bangladesh.


 3 years ago 

Azan of Zuhr is Hall. Then I took a bath. I went to take a bath. I came to the washroom from the wash room. I came to the room. Then I went out with my friends and I went to Khichuri and saw Suryashekhar fall.

I Don't understand this. 🙄

 3 years ago 

ভাইয়া আসলে আমি বাংলায় লিখি তারপর ইংলিশ এ ট্রান্সলেট করি দাড়ি কমা দেয় নাই বলে এই হয়েছে... এরপর থেকে ঠিক মতো দাড়ি কমা ব্যবহার করবো ইনশাআল্লাহ।

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