#club100 Betterlife The Diary Game (10-04-2022) : A Wonderfull day || 30% of payout is donated to @hive-138339 account by sbsojib

in Steem Bangladesh2 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum,
My Dear Steamians. How are you all? I hope by the grace of Allah, everyone is fine, I am fine too.Due to personal problems I have not been able to do the steemit for some days.
I am @sbsojib from Bangladesh.
I'm going to write about the diary game.




Today is sunday. I woke up in the morning and brushed. After brushing, I thought I would come back from the pond. Moreover, it is getting a little hot, if you go to the edge of the pond, the cold morning air will cover the mind. I went to the pond and sat down. The green trees around the pond and the water waves between the green eyes catch the eye. And what sweet air is covering the soul. I thought that if I went to the pond in the morning, I would like to see the natural beauty in the cold air, but I could not think that I would like it so much. Moreover, if we wake up and sit in the sweet air in this beautiful environment, our mind is good and also beneficial for the body. Then I sat on the pond for a while and enjoyed this beautiful view and sweet air. And that's how I spend my morning




Then comes noon. I took a bath. I took a bath and prayed. Since it is the month of Ramadan, there is no need to eat. Then I rested a little. When the sun went down a little, I thought it would be nice to come back from the market and stay with my friends and time would pass. I went to the market and went to the Keram Board shop. I started playing Keram Board with my friends and younger brothers. Playing with friends and chatting a lot
I am very happy to enjoy such a fun game with friends and younger brothers. Then I came home with some fun games and chats with friends. I came and prayed Asr prayers and rested a little. And that's how I spent my afternoon today.





Then comes the afternoon. We play on our playground every afternoon. Went to the playground. I went and saw some of my younger brothers playing on the field. We sat in a place with some friends and watched the little brothers play and they were having a lot of fun playing and we were having a lot of fun too. After watching the game for a while, it was time for Iftar. Then I went home and after Iftar the whole family prayed. Then I thought to turn around a little from outside. As I was walking along the road with some friends, I saw a corn plant on the side of the road. We went to our playground with some corn. We went and burned the corn nicely. Then all the friends ate together. And this is how I spent my whole day today.

🚰# Stay healthy everyone stay well.Wash hands regularly with soap or hand wash.Be sure to wear a mask when you go out.Thanks everyone.🚰

Specially Thanks:


Thanks everyone.

Best Regards.


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