Betterlife The Diary Game (28-01-2022) : A Wonderfull day || 30% of payout is donated to @hive-138339 account by sbsojib

in Steem Bangladesh2 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum,
My Dear Steamians. How are you all? I hope by the grace of Allah, everyone is fine, I am fine too.
I am @sbsojib from Bangladesh.
I'm going to write about the diary game.



picture of birds

Assalamualaikum, I hope everyone is well.I sincerely apologize to everyone today.Due to special reasons I could not post for two days.I sincerely apologize for not posting the last two days.However solves all the problems Posting again today.Mistakes are forgivable.Today is Friday. I woke up this morning to the chirping of beautiful pheasants. I woke up and brushed. I brushed my breakfast and finished my breakfast. Then I went to my beautiful bird house. I opened the bird cage and gave it food and water, then I cleaned the spoiled food nicely. And the birds got food, he got clean cage and ran and ate the food .. Then I put the birds in a place where they can get light, air and the birds are healthy. This is how I spent my morning with this beautiful pheasant ...



picture of flower

Then comes noon. I took a bath at noon, took a bath and ate, finished my medicine. After eating, I rested a little and the sun went down in my beautiful, lovely green natural flower garden. Such a beautiful environment and the fragrance of flowers fills the mind. I went to the garden and cleaned the weeds at the base of each flowering plant, then watered the base of each tree with the same amount of water so that my flowering plants became more fresh and these plants gave me more beautiful flowers. The flowers are red and yellow in color, so beautiful and fragrant the mind is filled with the fragrance of this flower. Bees come and collect honey in the fragrance of flowers. It makes the environment more beautiful in the flower garden. The sight of such a beautiful landscape catches the eye. Then I keep the garden well closed so that no animal can go and eat. That's how I spent my afternoon.



picture of the market

Then comes the afternoon. I go to the playground every day to play a little. But today I went to the market to buy a phone. I entered a phone shop. Not to mention that the environment is so captivating to enter the phone store that it catches my eye. Very clean and open environment. Then I wanted to see the phone, showed me the phone one by one and I am surprised, because every phone is such a beautiful model. I wanted to buy all the dekheito. Each phone is just like the price of a beautiful phone. Every phone is beautiful and standard, then I bought a phone And one after another, seeing a new model phone, the evening came down. This is how I spent my day today.

🚰# Stay healthy everyone stay well.Wash hands regularly with soap or hand wash.Be sure to wear a mask when you go out.Thanks everyone.🚰

Specially Thanks:


Thanks everyone.

Best Regards.


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Hi, your post has been upvoted by @hive-138339 courtesy of @toufiq777


 2 years ago 

সুন্দর লিখেছেন। পাখিগুলো কি আপনার? এই পাখিগুলো দেখতে খুব সুন্দর।

 2 years ago 

জি পাখিগুলো আমার।

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