STEEM BANGLADESH CONTEST - Movie Review | A movie review of Cruella by @rosita-nkefor

Hello dear friends of the Steem Bangladesh community. It is a pleasure to participate in this contest organised by @steem-bangladesh. So without further ado, here is my movie review on Cruella.

A movie review on Cruella

I just recently watched the movie "Cruella" a few days ago. This movie was released on the 26th of May 2021 and was directed by Craig Gillespie.

The movie started by showing her childhood. She was born with her hair black and white with a clear division. It was also kind of symbolic since she had a double personality; Estella and Cruella. I think the white of her hair was to symbolise Estella as the good version and the black part signified Cruella, her naughty version.

Estella had difficulties making friends just because of her hair and she used to get into fights because of it. Due to this and the fact that they weren't expelled, she kept getting expelled. It then got to a point where her mother had to go to her former employer to ask for help. It was at that party that three Dalmatians followed her and pushed her mother off a cliff.

Estella thought she was the cause of her mother's death, the only person who truly loved and accepted her. She then ran away scared, and ended up meeting two thieves, Jasper and Artie. They become friends and work together planning heists and stealing from people in order to survive.

Years later, she starts working as a cleaner and by some drunken fit of rage, she gets hired by the Baroness, the top of the fashion industry. Now Estella had always dreamt of being a designer so she was estatic. While working for her, she discovered that the dalmatians who killed her mother were pets of the Baroness, who was also responsible for her mother's death. And she also discovered that the necklace she lost on the day her mother died was now with the Baroness. She was angry and planned with Jasper and Artie to steal the necklace back. She hated the Baroness but continued to work for her.

She then came up with Cruella Deville, a rival designer to the Baroness. This way she was able to directly go against her while still maintaining her job as Estella. This got the Baroness really angry as she kept one upping her at every turn. The Baroness had had enough of Cruella's appearances and decided to get rid of her. She found out where Cruella lived and when Cruella Came home, Jasper and Artie were tied up.

The Baroness had found out that Estella was actually Cruella and laughed in her face. She then lit her house on fire and left her to die. She was saved by the butler who revealed to her that the Baroness was actually her birth mother who absolutely hated her from the moment she was born and he was ordered to kill her.

Confusion, denial, rage and finally acceptance, Cruella refused to be called that woman's daughter. She then planned an act where she would provoke the Baroness to kill Estella as her real daughter and Estella gave her inheritance to Cruella. The Baroness was stem imprisoned for killing her own daughter as seen by the onlookers and Cruella finally got her revenge.

I really loved this movie and how we could see more insight on the origin story of the villain of 101 dalmatians. I look forward to a sequel to explain why she hated dalmatians so much.

Thank you for reading.


Valo likhechen

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