Artisan Babui Bird Biography// assr ment 06

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Babui bird. We are all familiar with this bird. This is because of the hard work of this bird. The skillful beak skillfully builds a nest in such a way that it seems like a great artisan rate will obey. Babui bird scientific name: Ploceous benghalensis. English name: Black-breasted Weaver. They are also known as weavers and bauis as they have a beautiful home in the village.They live in groups and form colonies. Desi Babui, Dagi Babui and Bangla Babui are the 3 types of Babui found in our country. They lay 2-5 eggs. The baby can hatch within 14-15 days of laying. The length of the saw is 14 cm.

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