The Diary Game [20-02-2021] My diary book
Hello friends how are you all I hope everyone is well. I always pray for you all to be healthy. Today I will share my activities of the day with you. Stay with me.
Today I wanted to go to my village home but when I woke up in the morning, my body was feeling very tired. My body has become very weak due to taking antibiotics for the last few days. Which is why I didn't go home today. That's why I woke up very late and freshened up. Freshened up, I came back to the room and ate breakfast. After breakfast I went back to bed and slept for some time.
- My Brush
I woke up and saw that it was noon. This time I went to the bathroom and took a bath. After taking a bath, I changed my wet clothes and put on new clothes and then I prepared for lunch. The lunch menu was fried vegetables and chicken. After eating, I went back to bed and rested.
In the evening my older brother and I went out of the room and went to a tea shop. The two of us went to the tea shop and had tea.
- Tea Store
Then we left the shop and went to a vegetable shop and there we bought a lot of vegetables. I bought vegetables and came back to the room. Back in the room I entered the steemit platform. Then we ate dinner. The dinner menu at night was fried potatoes and egg curry. After eating, I went to bed to sleep. This was my daily activity today.