# The best Diary Game // by @rasel2496(09/10/2021)

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hello friends

How are you all friends? I hope you are all healthy and well. I am also much better by the grace of God. Some words from my diary page:So lets starts..



Beautiful view of the morning sky.

I woke up at 4:45 in the morning, freshened up, went to the mosque to perform the Fajr prayers.
I came home after prayers and then came home and did not rest for a while.After resting, my mother called me to have breakfast and after having breakfast I went to the office. I went to the office and started working. I had tea in the office canteen at ten o'clock. Then I worked again till noon.


Office tea time.



Photo taken at the station at noon.

Come home from the office at noon. Then I came home and did not take a bath. After that I went to the station. There was a little work, I took a picture on the way to work. Then I came home. I came home and ate lunch. After eating, I came to the office with a little rest. I went to the office and prayed Azhar in the mosque. I started working later, started working and came to the office canteen around 4 pm to have tea. Then he started working again and it was almost evening till 5:30 in the afternoon.



Time to go to Shaheed Minar in the evening.

I come home in the evening, perform ablution and go to the mosque to offer prayers. After praying, I go out for a walk. I went for a walk and went to the Shaheed Minar. I went to the city and ate street food noodles there. After that I came home. I came home and read a book to my son for a while.In the meanwhile Esha gives Azan.



Screenshots while playing games at night.

At night I go to the mosque to perform ablution and pray. I come home after prayers. I come home and eat dinner. After that I write diary for the whole day. I fell down and went to sleep. I go to sleep and play a little game. Now I fall asleep. This was my diary for a long time. I hope everyone will like it. Thanks for watching the post.


 3 years ago (edited)

I woke up at 4:45 in the morning, freshened up, went to the mosque to perform the Fajr prayers.

Nice to know that. It was a busy day for you. Do you play games everyday? Try to use markdown in your post.

 3 years ago 

Ok vai

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