# The best Diary Game // by @rasel2496(06/10/2021)

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hello friends

How are you all friends? I hope you are all healthy and well. I am also much better by the grace of God. Some words from my diary page:So lets starts..



Pictures of flowers taken while walking in the morning.

I woke up at four forty-five minutes in the morning and freshened up. After that I went to pray in the mosque. I came home after prayers. I come home and go for a walk. After walking for twenty minutes I come home. I get ready to go home to the office. I go to the office with my bike. I go to the office and start working. Until.



Lunch curry.

Come home at noon when the office is closed. I come home and take a bath. Then I eat lunch with hilsa fish. Maybe I can come to the office with rest. I went to the office and prayed in the mosque. After a while I started working. After work I had tea at 4.30 pm in the office canteen. I drink tea and work again till 5:30.



In the evening while having tea at Shah Hotel.

When the office is closed at 5:30, I go home. When I come home, it is evening. I came home and went to the mosque to offer Maghrib prayers. I go to the mosque, pray and go for a walk. I walk to the station. Then I went to Shah Hotel to have tea. After tea I went home.


Esha is called to come home. I go to the mosque to perform ablution and pray. I come home after praying. I come home and read books to my little boy. After that I eat dinner with tilapia fish. Then I write a diary for the whole day. Now I go to sleep. This was my diary for the whole day yesterday. I hope everyone will like it. Thanks everyone for watching the post.


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